Information system of cloud computing analysis

Students Name: Biletskyi Nazar Bohdanovych
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Data Science
Institute: Institute of Computer Science and Information Technologies
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2022-2023 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: The purpose of this work is to find ways to simplify this process and develop a software product for effective disposal of the found solutions. As a result, there will be an opportunity to improve the condition and reliability of systems utilizing cloud computing. The object of research is cloud computing systems from the point of view of reliability and performance. The subject of the study is a cloud computing analysis system that allows for remote monitoring and management of an arbitrary number of peer stations. The work is focused on the analysis of reachability and stability in a cluster of stations and the analysis of possible problems. The work is not aimed at solving such problems or predicting them, but only at monitoring the state of systems and their management. The developed system should make intelligent decisions at any changes in the cluster and avoid false-positive results as much as possible. Also, this work partially analyzes the Go programming language as a tool for creating such systems, taking into account such criteria as reliability, speed and ease of writing. The result of the project does not bring significant scientific novelty, however, the methods and tools used in the design are not standard or generally accepted. A system of this type has only corporate analogues, which are very expensive and too bulky for most situations. The developed project demonstrates the simplicity and relative reliability with which it is possible to create such a system for basic limited use, which is quite sufficient in most cases. The project was designed to be very simple and easy to modify, which allows you to use it to create a more powerful system of this type. The main part of the functionality in the network code is very stable and complete, so extending the capabilities of the application is quite real and easy compared to writing from scratch. The relevance of the statement of the problem was considered, the problems of the development of the problem, methods of its solution and comparative analysis were formed. A search was made for the most relevant published studies that are relevant to the topic of development. Thus, a review of several scientific articles on the analysis of cloud computing was carried out. As a result of the modeling of system requirements and the description of risks, types of system requirements were formed: business, user, functional and non-functional requirements. The description of the requirements was also presented in the form of a diagram of precedents or use cases. The description of risks made it possible to know about possible failures and to avoid them in every possible way. Modeling the analysis system processes gave a better idea of how the classes would function with each other, as well as what processes would be executed. The characteristics of specific means of solving the problem are presented, the professional use of application software, their analysis, as well as the peculiarities of the use of these means for the design of the developed system are developed. The conducted tests show that the developed software product copes with various types of problems without any particular problems, and during the tests, no special indicators of the use of resources by the program were noticed (the task manager shows 0% CPU usage and 5970KB of RAM. In the course of the work, all problems and potential points of failure of the network and various dedicated applications were analyzed. Ways to solve these problems were analyzed and evaluated. As a result of the study, a distributed monitoring system was created that allows you to conveniently and without side effects control a large number of peer stations. The great advantage of this system is its simplicity and extensibility. Thanks to this, on the basis of this system, it is possible to develop a more functional program with much more extensive information about the stations and more convenient management. All checks of the system showed its stability to failures and ease of recovery. None of the situations of mass failures in the network or the stations themselves can lead to the collapse of the entire system, which is an important characteristic for a monitoring system. Keywords: information system, cloud computing, system analysis, distributed systems, multi-agent environment. References 1. Хмарні обчислення: [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу:Хмарні_обчислення. 2. Ryan, Mark D. Cloud Computing Privacy Concerns on Our Doorstep. 3. Haghighat, Mohammad; Zonouz, Saman; Abdel-Mottaleb, Mohamed (2015). CloudID: Trustworthy cloud-based and cross-enterprise biometric identification. Expert Systems with Applications 42 (21): 7905–7916. doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2015.06.025. 4. Indu, I.; Anand, P.M. Rubesh; Bhaskar, Vidhyacharan (1 серпня 2018). Identity and access management in cloud environment: Mechanisms and challenges. Engineering Science and Technology 21 (4): 574–588. doi:10.1016/j.jestch.2018.05.010