Management of the financial stability of the LLC "Buske sorto seed enterprise" under the conditions of martial law in Ukraine

Students Name: Papirnyk Solomiia Yevheniivna
Qualification Level: master (ESP)
Speciality: Finance, Banking and Insurance
Institute: Institute of Economics and Management
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2022-2023 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: Ensuring effective management of the financial stability of enterprises is one of the most important tasks of implementing a financial strategy aimed at preserving the prospects of their activity and development under the conditions of martial law in Ukraine. The problem of ensuring the financial stability of agricultural enterprises, such as those that today belong to one of the most important branches of the Ukrainian economy, is particularly relevant. This determines the necessity and relevance of further research on the topic of the master’s qualification work. The object of research in the master’s thesis is methods and tools for managing the financial stability of an agricultural enterprise. The subject of the study is the theoretical, methodological, methodical and practical aspects of managing the financial stability of an agricultural enterprise using the example of the limited liability company "Buske Seed and Seed Enterprise". The purpose of the work is to reveal the theoretical basis of the development and improvement of the process of managing the financial stability of the enterprise and its practical application to increase the level of profitability, plateau and competitiveness of the "Buske Sorto-Sinnyntske Enterprise" LLC. In accordance with the purpose of the research, the following tasks have been identified: to study the theoretical principles and methodological approaches to determining the essence of the concept of managing the financial stability of an enterprise, to carry out an analysis of the financial status of LLP "Buske Sorto-Nasinnytske Enterprise" for the period 2020 - 2022, to assess the financial stability of the enterprise on the basis of absolute and relative indicators of financial stability, to carry out a SWOT analysis of the environment of the operation of "Buske Varieties and Seeds Enterprise" LLP, to conduct economic and mathematical modeling of the integral indicator of the financial stability of the analyzed enterprise, to forecast the dynamics of the value of the ratio of payables and receivables of "Buske Varieties and Seeds Enterprise" LLP, to investigate the features of ensuring the financial stability of the enterprise in an unstable operating environment, as well as to outline the possibilities and justify the ways of increasing the financial stability of "Buske Sorto-Nasinnytske Enterprise" LLP. The work consists of three sections: theoretical-analytical, research-prognostic and recommendation parts. In the first chapter, the concept of managing financial stability, its main components and goals, was studied, as well as an analysis of the financial condition of "Buske Sorto-Sinnytske Enterprise" LLP for 2020-2022 was carried out. Special attention is paid to the analysis of absolute and relative indicators of the financial stability of the enterprise [1-4]. In the second part of the work, a SWOT analysis of the business environment of the operation of the "Buske Variety and Seed Enterprise" LLP was carried out, on the basis of which the key strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise, as well as opportunities and threats from the external environment, were determined. Modeling of the integral indicator of financial stability based on the taxonometric approach was carried out. Its results indicate a negative trend in changes in the company’s financial stability during the studied period. The forecasted value of the ratio of payables and receivables of the enterprise for 2023 shows that payables exceed receivables by 3.67 times. In view of this, it is necessary to make strategic decisions on the effective management of payables to avoid a liquidity crisis in the future. Analysis of the financial stability of Ukrainian enterprises in recent years shows its unsatisfactory level and the growth of negative trends caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and Russian military aggression. Accordingly, enterprises that want to withstand fierce competition in the market must take into account the effects of internal and external environmental factors and, based on their analysis, take comprehensive measures to increase the level of financial stability [1, 3-5]. In the third section, proposals and design solutions for solving problems in managing the financial stability of the "Buske Seed and Seed Enterprise" LLP were substantiated based on the comprehensive analysis [6-8]. The recommended measures aimed at solving these problems are divided into two groups: optimization of the capital structure (presupposes the increase of net profit by increasing the volume of production and hoarding of profit, replenishment of the authorized capital due to additional contributions of the founders and repayment of unpaid capital, which will contribute to the increase of the amount of own volume); increasing the level of timeliness of the company’s fulfillment of the obligations assumed by it (presupposes the optimization of the amount of receivables on the basis of factoring and the direction of the received funds to replenish the most liquid assets and repay part of the most urgent obligations of the enterprise, as well as the optimization of stocks by selling the remaining finished products at cost and repayment of a part of payables with the released funds). 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DOI:10.21511/ppm.20(1).2022.36