Research and improvement of the methodology for assessing the effectiveness of foreign economic activity management at Lviv auto hub, LLC in the context of new types of foreign economic operations implementation

Students Name: Horoshko Yuliana Volodymyrivna
Qualification Level: master (ESP)
Speciality: Management
Institute: Institute of Economics and Management
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2022-2023 н.р.
Language of Defence: англійська
Abstract: Horoshko Yu.V., Chyrkova Yu.L. (supervisor). Research and improvement of the methodology for assessing the effectiveness of foreign economic activity management at Lviv Auto Hub, LLC in the context of implementing new types of foreign economic operations. Master’s thesis. ? Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, 2023. Extended abstract. Enterprise management is a complex process that requires continuous assessment of its effectiveness for early detection of possible deviations and their prompt resolution. Modern scholars and scientists, researching the issue of the methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of the management of the enterprise’s activities, in particular the foreign economic one, could not identify a single systematic approach to its implementation, which is why this issue remains relevant to this day. Analyzing the definition of the concepts of "efficiency" and "effectiveness", it was found that the concept of effectiveness is more complex [1]. Performance management of the enterprise can be considered as its relative characteristic, which determines the level of achievement of the enterprise’s goal [2]. Today, there are various methods of determining the effectiveness of management, the most common of which is the calculation of target groups of indicators[3]. Improving the methodology for evaluating management effectiveness requires taking into account many endogenous and exogenous factors influencing the activity of the enterprise itself [4]. The purpose of evaluating the performance of export-import operations is to identify bottlenecks and form appropriate measures that will provide an opportunity to improve the performance of the enterprise [5]. The purpose of the master’s qualification thesis is to improve the methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of managing the foreign economic activity of Lviv Auto Hub LLC in the context of the introduction of new types of foreign economic operations. The object of the study is Lviv Auto Hub LLC, which is a leading importer of auto parts and deals with their sale on the domestic market. The subject of the study is the process of improving the methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of managing the foreign economic activity of Lviv Auto Hub LLC in the context of the introduction of new types of foreign economic operations. The task of the master’s qualification work is the analysis of literary sources and the legislative framework for the problem, the analysis of the production, economic, financial and foreign economic activities of the enterprise "Lviv Auto Hub", research and analysis of development trends for the problem, identification of problems and characteristics of recommended measures to solve the identified problems at the enterprise "Lviv auto hub". According to the results of the analysis, the company is profitable and solvent. The dynamics of import volumes is positive, which indicates the effectiveness of its implementation. Having carried out an analysis of the problem of the master’s qualification work, two problems were identified that prevent the implementation of an effective assessment of the effectiveness of management at the enterprise "Lviv Auto Hub" and require their urgent solution, namely: 1. Fragmentation of the approach to the formation of the strategic planning vector of the Lviv Auto Hub LLC, which prevents a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of its management in the long term. 2. The lack of development of the control toolkit within the scope of evaluating the effectiveness of the management of the foreign economic activity of Lviv Auto Hub LLC, which significantly limits the effectiveness of the introduction of new types of foreign economic operations at the enterprise. The following measures were proposed to solve the identified problems: 1. Streamlining the strategic approach to evaluating the effectiveness of foreign economic operations planning of Lviv Auto Hub LLС on the basis of the phased implementation of the system of local dynamic indicators; 2. Implementation of the controlling procedure as a tool for evaluating the effectiveness of the management of the foreign economic activity Lviv Auto Hub LLC in the context of the introduction of new types of foreign economic operations at the enterprise. To reflect the economic expediency and rationality of the proposed measures, the cost structure of the recommended project was formed, as well as the absolute and relative changes of the main economic indicators were calculated. Key words - effectiveness, management, methodology, approach, system. References 1. Sudomyr S., Monastyrskyi Yu. (2018). Enterprise performance management: theory, methodology. Collection "Modern directions and prospects for the development of agricultural and electrical engineering". URL: 2. 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