Research and development of the system of information and communication support for reputation management at Confectionary Yarych, LLC in the context of foreign economic activity intensification

Students Name: Lomaha Yuliia Romanivna
Qualification Level: master (ESP)
Speciality: Management
Institute: Institute of Economics and Management
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2022-2023 н.р.
Language of Defence: англійська
Abstract: Lomaga Y.R., Bortnikova M.H. (supervisor). Research and development of the system of information and communication support for managing the reputation of KF Yarych LLC in the conditions of the activation of foreign economic activity. Master’s thesis. – Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, 2023. Extended abstract In the conditions of the intensification of foreign economic activity, the management of the reputation of enterprises becomes increasingly important [1-5,10]. Previously, companies focused on tangible assets [6, 8-9], but now, in order to increase the level of competitiveness and have a positive impact on the overall market value, it is necessary to use an intangible asset, namely reputation. [7, 10]. For effective reputation management, it is necessary to analyze and improve the system of information and communication support, which contains both internal and external factors influencing the activity of a particular enterprise. [3, 4] An important point is the control and regulation of the information and communication system during each stage [1-3, 6]. It is information and communication support for reputation management that forms the basis for successful management decision-making. In order to achieve the goal of the information and communication support system for reputation management, it is necessary to provide its users with timely, complete, relevant and necessary information, as well as to apply optimal communication methods and tools [6]. In the period of development of digital technologies and online opportunities, the number of buyers who trust the reviews and recommendations of other users is increasing every time, compared to the methods of traditional advertising. The object of the study is KF Yarych LLC, information and communication support for reputation management. The subject of research is the theoretical and practical processes of the system of information and communication support for reputation management. 10 The purpose of the research is to analyze and develop the system of information and communication support for managing the reputation of KF Yarych LLC in the conditions of the activation of foreign economic activity. In the master’s qualification work, the problems of information and communication support for managing the reputation of a confectionery factory were investigated. The complex work contains four sections: theoretical, analytical, research and recommendation. In the first chapter, a review and analysis of literary sources, regulatory and legal framework related to the problems of information and communication support for reputation management was carried out. The second section includes a description and characteristics of the activities of KF Yarych LLC, management systems, research of indicators of production and economic activity, peculiarities of conducting foreign economic activities. The level of information and communication support for reputation management of the confectionery factory was also analyzed. The analysis of internal and external factors influencing the information and communication support of reputation management, issuing expert assessments, and determining development trends for the problem is carried out in the third section. According to the researched topic, the problems of information and communication support for the management of the reputation of KF Yarych LLC in the conditions of the activation of foreign economic activity are identified: the use of an ineffective system of information and communication support for the management of the reputation of KF Yarych LLC in the conditions of the activation of foreign economic activity, a low level of involvement of modern information and communication tools management of the reputation of KF Yarych LLC in the conditions of intensification of foreign economic activity. The final, fourth chapter characterizes a complex measure to improve the system of information and communication support for the management of the reputation of KF Yarych LLC in the conditions of the activation of foreign economic activity, in particular, two sub-measures are proposed: the development of a structured system of 11 information and communication support for the management of the reputation of KF Yarych LLC in the conditions of the activation of foreign economic activity activities, formation of the toolkit of information and communication support for the management of the reputation of KF Yarych LLC by combining traditional and modern online programs in the context of the activation of foreign economic activity. The implementation of a complex measure in 2023 at KF Yarych LLC will lead to a reduction in costs, a decrease in total cost compared to 2022, and will also lead to the achievement of a strategic indicator - return on equity, namely an absolute change of + 1,9 compared to the value in 2022. Keywords - reputation, information, communications, management, foreign economic activity, information and communication system, development. REFERENCES 1. Zaverbnyi, A. S., Shpak, Y. N., Poburko, O. Ya. (2020). Problems and prospects of the application of reputation management by Ukrainian enterprises under the conditions of foreign economic activity. Market infrastructure, 41. 2. Zaverbnyi, A. S., Lomaga, Y. R. (2020). Problems and prospects of the formation of reputation management by Ukrainian enterprises and organizations in order to increase their competition. Economy and Society, 22. doi: 3. Chirva, Yu. Yu., Zaverbnyi, A. S. (2022). 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