Justification of directions for improvement of the company’s financial condition

Students Name: Hasymov Ruslan Adaletovych
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Business Economics
Institute: Institute of Economics and Management
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2022-2023 н.р.
Language of Defence: англійська
Abstract: R. A. Gasimov, A. S. Havrylyak (head). Justification of directions for improvement of the company’s financial condition. Master’s thesis. – Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, 2022. Currently, many Ukrainian companies have an unsatisfactory financial condition. Yes, there are a number of unprofitable enterprises. In some companies, there are excessive amounts of credit obligations. In this situation, further economic development of enterprises is out of the question. In particular, this concerns the growth of production capacities of enterprises and the improvement of their resource provision. Rather, we may be talking about a real threat of bankruptcy and subsequent liquidation of these enterprises. Therefore, ensuring further economic development necessitates the need to improve the financial condition of companies. In turn, this requires the formation and implementation of a complex of organizational and economic measures aimed at improving certain properties of firms, the totality of which ultimately determines their financial condition. Increasing the financial stability of business entities is particularly significant, as its degree directly affects the degree of companies’ propensity to bankruptcy [1-3]. The purpose of this master’s thesis was to substantiate the directions for improving the management of the financial condition of a specific enterprise. The economic essence of the financial state of business entities, its factors and significance are described. The purpose, tasks, methods of assessing the level of the financial condition of enterprises are outlined. The characteristics of the financial state of economic entities, its main indicators and improvement measures are provided. The level of the existing financial condition of "Granum" LLC was assessed. In particular, the level of liquidity and solvency of "Granum" LLC was evaluated. An assessment of the business activity and level of profitability of "Granum" LLC was also carried out. Methodological aspects of diagnosing the financial condition of economic entities are considered. The type of financial stability available at "Granum" LLC was identified. The propensity of "Granum" LLC to bankruptcy was measured using multifactor models. The organizational and economic directions of managing the level of financial stability of "Granum" LLC are substantiated. The substantiation of the organizational and economic directions of managing the level of solvency and liquidity of current assets of "Granum" LLC has been completed. The substantiation of the organizational and economic directions of profit and profitability management of "Granum" LLC was carried out. The expected impact of measures aimed at improving the financial condition of "Granum" LLC on the main performance indicators of the company under study has been determined. The trading company "Granum" was chosen as the object of the research work. The subject of the study is the theoretical, methodological and applied provisions on managing the company’s financial condition. With regard to the theoretical and methodological basis of the completed qualification work, it was represented by state regulations, as well as textbooks, thematic monographs, articles written by scientists on the subject of the work, various types of reporting materials of Granum LLC. The scientific novelty of the work consists in improving the method of substantiating the level of the relationship between the values of various types of assets and liabilities of the economic entity. Key words - justification, capital, evaluation, financial condition, management. List of used literary sources. 1. Chen, S.-G. & Lin, Yi-K. (2008). An evaluation method for enterprise resource planning systems. Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan, (51(4)), 299–309. 2. Detemple, J. & Kitapbayev, Y. (20180. Optimal Investment under Cost Uncertainty. Risks, (6 (1)), 5. 3. Emelyanov, A., Kurylo, O. & Vysotskij, A. (2013). Structuring expenses of industrial enterprises in the evaluation process of its production and sales potential. Ekontechmod. An international quarterly journal, (4), 11?17.