Research of anti-crisis management methods of finance of LLC "Ekran”

Students Name: Bobanych Mariia Mykolaivna
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Finance, Banking and Insurance
Institute: Institute of Economics and Management
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2022-2023 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: The modern economy is characterized by a high degree of uncertainty, rapid changes in the internal and external environment, market fluctuations, costs and profits. When expenses exceed revenues rather than profits, many organizations find themselves in difficult situations, they suffer losses, become insolvent, financially unstable, and their economic activities are disrupted. One of the main goals of anti-crisis management is the survival and exit of organizations from crisis situations, and accordingly taking measures for recovery. The relevance of the topic of the work is due to the fact that in market conditions business entities must determine the reliability and economic capacity of their partners, otherwise they have the opportunity to use the bankruptcy mechanism as a means of repaying the debts of insolvent partners. Therefore, it is extremely necessary to formulate an effective method of anti-crisis management of the enterprise based on a comprehensive assessment of the economic state of the enterprise. Despite the fact that domestic and foreign scientists have paid considerable attention to this problem, many of its aspects have not been fully studied and require further scientific development. Therefore, there is a need to develop new and improve existing methods of assessing the bankruptcy of an enterprise. Study object - limited liability company «Ekran». Scope ofresearch - methods of anti-crisis management. Goal of research: conduct a study of methods of anti-crisis financial management limited liability company «Ekran». When writing a master’s qualification thesis, the following research methods are used: horizontal method, vertical method, factor analysis, SWOT analysis and economic-mathematical modeling. As well as special and general scientific methods, namely the method of theoretical analysis of literature (studying and processing of literary sources), the method of comparison; grouping; graphic research methods; methods of factor analysis and others. The information base of the master’s qualification thesis consists of regulatory and legal acts, scientific works of domestic and foreign authors on anti-crisis methods of financial management, financial reporting of Ekran LLC. To achieve the goal, the following main tasks were completed: - an analysis of the financial status of Ekran LLC was carried out; -horizontal, vertical and factor analysis of the financial condition of "Ekran" LLC was carried out; - SWOT analysis was conducted; - economic and mathematical modeling of the profitability of "Ekran" LLC; - forecast of bankruptcy indicators was carried out; - the directions of anti-crisis management of the limited liability company "Ekran" were determined. As a result of the analysis, a product sale project was chosen to increase the level of profitability by attracting a new sales market, namely through construction companies, which as a result had a positive effect on economic indicators. Keywords: crisis, bankruptcy, financial condition, anti-crisis management, financial support, analysis, financing, enterprise, financial resources, financial condition, forecasting the probability of bankruptcy. REFERENCES 1. T. S. Klebanova, O. M. Bondar, O. V. Mozenkov and others; under the editorship O. V. Mozenkova, (2017) Bankruptcy and reorganization of the enterprise: theory and practice of crisis management [Bankrut·stvo i sanatsiya pidpryyemstva: teoriya i praktyka kryzovoho upravlinnya]. VD "INZHEK" [VD «INZHEK»] pp. 71-73. DOI: 2. M.K. Bondarchuk, Kobyletska/ Ed. THEN. 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