Research and development of licensing activities in the field of technology transfer in order to deepen cooperation between Ukraine and Austria

Students Name: Horak Roman Yuriiovych
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: International Business
Institute: Institute of Economics and Management
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2022-2023 н.р.
Language of Defence: англійська
Abstract: Technology transfer is a multifaceted process that involves the transfer of intangible value and involves a wide range of market actions. Transfer includes reduction of research output for inventions, investment in research and development, establishment of contractual relationships between headquarters and multi-institution affiliates, joint ventures and licensing partners, etc. There are also several new technology developments. These include universities and research laboratories, private and public foundations, non-governmental organizations, start-ups and technology providers, multinational companies and research partners. New technologies and products are developed and implemented for a variety of purposes, from expected benefits to humanitarian or other purposes. In recent years, participants in this complex process increasingly become part of global innovation and production networks, where technology transfer takes place. In addition, international technology transfer plays a crucial role in solving social and environmental problems using technical solutions and technologies available abroad. This is most evident in medical technologies, knowledge-intensive agricultural production, energy efficiency, and climate change mitigation methods. Each of these areas requires a combination of research incentives to address socially important problems with sufficient resources. Since international technological exchange occupies a significant share in the volume of international trade, it is gaining more and more relevance and attracting the attention of leading experts. Research and development (R&D) requires huge financial costs, expensive equipment, and highly qualified personnel. This is due to the rapid scientific and technical progress in material production, the deepening of the international division of labor and the emerging need to meet the socio-economic needs of many countries. The rapid development of international trade in technologies and scientific and technical knowledge is closely related to significant differences in the levels of technical and technological development of the countries of the world. With the growth of scientific and technological progress, advanced technologies and equipment are concentrated in a small group of industrialized countries that spend huge amounts of money on research and development. The purpose of the study is to analyze the process of international technology transfer as the basis of enterprise development in the conditions of adaptation to globalization processes, taking into account the modern strategic orientations of companies. The goal was achieved by solving the following tasks: determining the deep essence and contradictory nature of globalization in the conditions of modern international economic relations; to analyze approaches to defining the concept of "technology" as the most ambiguous component of the categorical apparatus "international technology transfer"; generalize the understanding of the process of international technology transfer as a key competence in maintaining leadership positions in the world market; to typify methods of technology transfer in international transfer; justify the need to consider the technology transfer model as a process that does not stop at the commercialization of technology; to investigate indicators of countries’ participation in international transfer. In the master’s thesis, the problem of the development of licensing during the transfer of technologies in the conditions of deepening cooperation between Ukraine and Austria is solved. The work consists of four sections. In particular, the first section of the work describes a review of literary sources and the regulatory legal framework for the issue of licensing during technology transfer. In the context of writing the second chapter, the peculiarities of declaring Ukraine’s desire to integrate into the conditions of economic cooperation with the European Union, in particular Austria, as well as the growth of development in this direction, namely, in connection with the application for membership and the signing of the "Association Agreement with the European Union (2014)" and the adoption of the provisions of the visa-free regime in 2017, the development of cooperation with the EU member states, and especially with Austria, is of quite prominent importance for our country. Among all the member countries of the European Community, the Republic of Poland occupies an important place and role for Ukraine - it is our immediate neighbor and the main partner in terms of strategic cooperation, which shows extraordinary support for our economy. In the third section of the work, an analysis of the activities of PE "Technolis" was carried out in the following directions: general characteristics of the activity of PE "Technolis"; characteristics of its management system; diagnosis of production and economic and foreign economic activity of PE "Technolis"; analysis of problems, level and influencing factors on the state of entry into foreign markets in PE "Technolis". The fourth section of the work contains recommendations on the development of licensing during the transfer of technologies of Technolis PE. The purpose and tasks of the qualification work. Achieving the set goal made it necessary to solve the following tasks: - to investigate the essence and meaning of technology transfer; - identify the peculiarities of the organization of licensing during the transfer of technologies; - on the example of PE "Technolis", analyze the general state and characteristics of the enterprise’s activities; - identify the necessity and possibilities of introducing new projects into the product sales process; - develop the project and calculate its technical and economic indicators in order to achieve the indicators set in the task; - to determine the specifics of project implementation and evaluate the economic efficiency of the project. The object of the study is the development of licensing during the transfer of technologies on the example of the Technolis PE. The subject of the study is methodical and practical aspects of the development of licensing in technology transfer in the conditions of deepening cooperation between Ukraine and Austria.