Management of the efficiency of fixed assets using at SE “Starokostiantyniv forestry”

Students Name: Bondar Nataliia Mykolaivna
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Finance, Banking and Insurance
Institute: Institute of Economics and Management
Mode of Study: part
Academic Year: 2022-2023 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: The master’s thesis is devoted to the actual problem faced by most enterprises, namely the process of managing the efficiency of the use of fixed assets. The main ones occupy a large share of the company’s assets, and their effective use directly affects the final results of the company’s economic activity. Study object is financial and economic activity, namely the state of fixed assets of the SE "Starokostyantynivsky forestry". Scope of research is the theoretical and methodological and applied principles of managing the efficiency of the use of fixed assets. Goal of research is to analyze the activities of the SE "Starokostyantynivsky forestry ", to determine the level of efficiency of the use of fixed assets, to develop recommendation solutions aimed at improving the efficiency of management of the use of fixed assets, to study the main areas of activity and to analyze general indicators, to familiarize with the activities of this enterprise. The master’s thesis consisted of three sections: - theoretical and analytical, - research and prognostic, - recommendation. In the theoretical-analytical part of the work, the essence of the concept of "fixed assets" was investigated [1-5]. The lack of unity in the definitions of this term leads to the variability of approaches to assessing the effectiveness of management of the use of fixed assets, the main of which are: functional, process, strategic, systemic, situational, integrated. Special attention should be paid to the theoretical and methodological approach to evaluating the effectiveness of corporate management of the use of fixed assets, which is based on a weighted complex approach based on a certain algorithm of actions [6]. The financial condition of the investigated enterprise was also analyzed using horizontal, vertical and ratio analysis, where positive and negative changes were detected. In the second section, a SWOT analysis of the business entity was conducted, where the main strengths and weaknesses of this business entity, threats and opportunities were characterized, the factors of the macro environment and meso environment of the business entity were analyzed. Economic-mathematical modeling of the efficiency of the use of fixed assets of the SE "Starokostyantynivsky forestry" using a multifactorial multiplicative model was carried out. The return on capital of the entity’s fixed assets was also forecast based on the moving average method and the method of least squares. In the third section, a conceptual approach to forecasting the efficiency of management of fixed assets of the SE "Starokostyantynivsky forestry" was used, ranking of groups of main indicators reflecting the effectiveness of managing the use of fixed assets was carried out. In addition, an analysis of the wear rate was carried out by groups of fixed assets and separately by the enterprise’s wood processing shop. Design solutions for improving the condition of fixed assets and the level of management of their use are proposed, and economic results from the proposed management solutions are determined. Key words - fixed assets, financial condition, management of the efficiency of the use of fixed assets, economic and mathematical modeling, factor analysis, rating, forecasting, depreciation, renewal. References: 1. Tax Code of Ukraine - Legislation of Ukraine - [Electronic resource] - Access mode: 2. National regulation (standard) of accounting 7 "Fixed assets" – [Electronic resource] – Access mode: 3. International Accounting Standard 16 (IAS 16). Fixed assets - [Electronic resource] - Access mode: 4. Jezhula, V.V., Epifanova, I.Yu., Voloska, N.R. (2016), The essence of the concept of "fixed assets". Eastern Europe: Economy, Business and Management. 4 (04). P.127-131. 5. Nemish Yu.V. The concept of "main means" in modern scientific research / Yu.V. Nemish // Agrarian economy. – 2018. – Vol. 5. – No. 3–4. – pp. 181–187 6. Mostenska T. G., Kovtun O. A. Theoretical approaches to the management of fixed assets of the enterprise. Efficient economy. 2020. No. 1. – [Electronic resource] – Access mode: