Financial stability of JSC "Concern Galnaftogaz" and problems of its ensuring

Students Name: Karpevych Orysia Marianivna
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Finance, Banking and Insurance
Institute: Institute of Economics and Management
Mode of Study: part
Academic Year: 2022-2023 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: Today, the key condition for sustainable economic development of Ukraine is to ensure financial stability. In the conditions of high risks of the crisis period, the efforts of the government and business entities are focused on solving current problems. In general, the financial stability of the enterprise is a complex category that characterizes the state, structure and directions of use of financial resources of the enterprise, its ability to fulfill its obligations, as well as the degree of protection of capital from financial risks and the ability to ensure the expansion of activities without increasing dependence on external sources of financing. Reliability, sustainability and stability are interdependent categories that can ensure the efficiency of a particular object [1]. The object of research of master’s qualification work is the financial stability of JSC "Concern Galnaftogaz". The subject of research - theoretical, methodological foundations and practical aspects of assessing and ensuring the financial stability of the enterprise. The purpose of the study is to develop recommendations for ensuring the financial stability of JSC "Concern Galnaftogaz". The first section of the master’s qualification work presents theoretical approaches to the interpretation of financial stability, analyzes the financial condition and indicators that characterize the financial stability of JSC "Concern Galnaftogaz". In the second section, SWOT-analysis, economic and mathematical modeling of the dependence of net income from the sale of products of JSC "Concern "Galnaftogaz" on such factors as cost, non-current capital and inflation rate were carried out. Ways to solve the problems are given in section 3. Keywords: financial stability, solvency, financial stability, net income, profit, capital structure. List of used literary sources. 1. Oliynyk L.V. Strategic directions of ensuring the financial stability of the enterprise // Finance, accounting, banks. - 2017. - №1(22). 2. Zagorodniy A.G. Accounting and analytical support of enterprise management: monograph / A.G. Zagorodniy, G.O. Partyn. - Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2022. - 248 p. DOI: 10.32999/ksu2307-8030/2022-45-4 3. Slaviuk R.A., Shkvarchuk L.O. Financial analysis of commercial activity of the enterprise: study guide. - Lviv: Prostir-M, 2021. - 305 p. 4. Kots OO Sectoral features of credit policy models of business entities in Ukraine / OO Kots, NB Yaroshevych, OR Svatyuk // Market Infrastructure. - 2019. - Issue 29. - P. 530-538 5. Chubka OM, Livdar MV, Klimko AR The impact of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic on the activities of business entities. Black Sea Economic Studies. Issue 74. 2022.