Accounting, analysis and control of production stocks at "Hungarian Distillery" SE

Students Name: Opryshko Liliana Vasylivna
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Accounting and Taxation
Institute: Institute of Economics and Management
Mode of Study: part
Academic Year: 2022-2023 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: Opryshko L. V., Voskalo N. M. Accounting, analysis and control of production stocks at the State-owned Enterprise "Uherskiy Distillery". Master’s qualification thesis. – Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, 2022. Extended abstract. Production stocks are goods and material values, which are included in the inventory description under each separate name. During the actual inspection, they establish the presence of raw materials, materials, purchased semi-finished products, containers, spare parts, low-value and perishable items, goods, finished products, etc. Inventories are a significant part of the company’s assets, which represent the company’s economic resources in the form of aggregate property values, which are used in business activities for the purpose of obtaining profit. According to NP(S)BO 9 "Inventories", inventories are assets that [1]: • are held for further sale under the conditions of ordinary economic activity; • are in the process of production for the purpose of further sale of the production product; • are kept for consumption during the production of products, performance of works and provision of services, as well as management of the enterprise. The object of the study is accounting, analysis and control of production stocks. The subject of the study is the organization and methodology of accounting, analysis and control at the State-owned Enterprise "Uherskiy Distillery". The purpose of the study: generalization of theoretical, legal, normative, methodical and practical aspects of accounting, analysis and control of production stocks of the enterprise, as well as the development of recommendations for improving the methodology of accounting and control of production stocks in modern economic conditions. Research results. In this work, the economic essence, classification and display in accounting are given, as well as the method of analysis of production stocks at the enterprise and the tasks and directions of internal control are disclosed. The general characteristics of the activity of the SE " Uherskiy Distillery", its accounting policy regarding production stocks were given, and the analysis of the research object was carried out. The organization and method of accounting at the enterprise are reflected, the method of internal control is described. Forms of financial reporting are provided, which display all information about production stocks. Methods of improving the accounting and control of production stocks at SE " Uherskiy Distillery" are proposed. The theoretical basis of the study of the issue of production stocks was made up of the laws of Ukraine, the Accounting Instructions and Regulations, the scientific works of various eminent scientists and scientists. As a result of the analysis of the dynamics of the main economic indicators, it was found that the material return in 2019-2020 increased, while in the reported one it fell by 0.54, which indicates a decrease in the number of products produced per unit of materials consumed. The coefficient of autonomy indicates that the enterprise is unable to cover its obligations with its own funds. Also, in the reporting year, the company was operating at a loss. The purpose of the analysis of production stocks of a business entity is to assess their condition and efficiency of use. Such an analysis should ensure the productive execution of the production program by minimizing material costs, while at the same time increasing the volume of implementation and the financial result. Such an analysis is carried out in order to ensure uninterrupted production of products, to be able to adjust deviations from norms and to eliminate unnecessary unproductive operations [2]. The analysis of the main indicators that characterize the intensity of consumption of production stocks at SE "Uherskiy Distillery " showed that in 2018-2019 the turnover ratio increased significantly, but during the following years this indicator went down, which indicates the inefficient use of production stocks. The coefficient of fixation of production stocks in 2018-2019 decreased, in the period of 2019-2020 there was a slight increase, and this indicator did not change in the reporting year. The indicator of the duration of turnover of production stocks was characterized by a positive downward trend in 2018-2019, in other periods it increased, which may precede the shortage of material resources. Information about the production stocks of the enterprise is summarized in the following reporting forms: form No. 1 "Balance sheet (Statement of financial position)", form No. 2 "Report on financial results (Report on total income)", form No. 5 "Notes to the annual financial statements". In order to improve the method of accounting and control of production stocks at SE "Uherskiy Distillery", it is recommended to introduce a management reporting system for making operational, tactical and strategic decisions, which will provide an opportunity to ensure competitiveness. Also, the introduction of electronic accounting of production stocks in warehouses, which will greatly simplify and facilitate the work of employees. And also to improve the level of control in terms of production stocks, it is recommended to create a separate internal control department. Keywords: production stocks, accounting, analysis, control. References. 1. National regulation (standard) of accounting 9 "Inventories" [Electronic resource] - Access mode: 2. Tarasenko N. V. Economic analysis of the activity of industrial enterprises: academic. manual / N.V. Tarasenko – K.: Alerta, 2019.