Research and improvement of financial security administration of Bobrynetsky UEGG of JSC "Kirovogradgaz

Students Name: Chervoniak Vladyslav Oleksandrovych
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Business Administration
Institute: Institute of Economics and Management
Mode of Study: part
Academic Year: 2022-2023 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: Object of research - Bobrynetsky UEGG of JSC "Kirovogradgas". Subject of research - the process of administering the financial security of Bobrynetsky UEGG JSC "Kirovogradgaz". The purpose of the master’s qualification work: research and improvement of the administration of the financial security of Bobrynetsky UEGG JSC "Kirovogradgaz", as well as identifying effective ways to improve it through the study of production, economic, investment and financial activities of management. According to the results of the study, the state of production, economic and administrative activities of Bobrynetsky UEGG, in particular financial security, was found out. The most important indicators of economic and administrative activities of the department in conditions of unprofitability were analyzed and evaluated, as well as trends in changes in key indicators for 2022-2023 were reflected. Analyzing the administration of financial security, it was found that the enterprise has large material costs, a significant part of which relates to overtime costs, which arise due to the low level of renewal of fixed assets, irrational use of trust funds and low level of information support of the enterprise. To address the above problems, a comprehensive recommendation measure was developed that will improve the administration of financial security of Bobrynetsky UEGG by introducing monitoring of overtime costs. This measure includes the introduction of the position of a financial manager; updating and automation of the dispatch service through the installation of remote pressure regulators at individual gas distribution stations without the use of mechanical impact; introduction of the latest Ukrainian software RGC Asset Management, which will provide a high level of information support between departments and simplify administrative procedures within the organization by increasing the independence of Bobrynetsky UEGG in the administration of financial security. Consistent implementation of the complex measure will reduce the company’s overtime costs by 8.68 thousand cubic meters or UAH 419,688 and will lead to cost savings in the amount of UAH 387,156; improve the structure of fixed assets of the organization in the amount of UAH 161,046 thousand due to new equipment and software; reduce losses by UAH 338,210. The event will result in a qualitative improvement of the return on assets of Bobrynetsky UEGG by 1.5% due to the reduction of losses and renewal of fixed assets.