Personnel stress resistance management in times of turbulence (based on the materials of KREDOBANK JC)

Students Name: Yeromenko Alona Oleksandrivna
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Human Resource Management and Labor Economics
Institute: Institute of Economics and Management
Mode of Study: part
Academic Year: 2022-2023 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: Yeromenko A.O. Vynnychuk R.O. (head) Personnel stress resistance management in times of turbulence (based on the materials of KREDOBANK JC). Master’s qualification work. – Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, 2021. Extended annotation Stress resistance is our ability to cope with stress, without particularly harmful consequences for mental and physical health. A high level of stress resistance is determined by poise, self-confidence, lack of shyness, a low level of personal anxiety, willful self-control; characteristics of the motivational sphere – motivation of the social significance of work, professional skills, achievements; high level of internal locus of control, readiness for activity [2]. The level of stress resistance of each person changes throughout life and depends on many factors. The higher the stress resistance, the greater the loads a person can withstand, therefore the level of his possible life achievements is potentially higher. Stress-resistant individuals are able to quickly master stress and mobilize their mental activity [1]. The events taking place in our country have a negative impact on the mental state of citizens, which leads to stress, exhaustion of the body’s resources and disruption of adaptation systems. People very often get into stressful situations, and some live in constant stress. Be it a pandemic or a war or ordinary everyday problems. A person’s psychological state affects his productivity. In connection with this, there is a need to help people assess their mental state and quickly restore their own functions, relieve tension. In connection with this, there is a need to help people assess their mental state and quickly restore their own functions, relieve tension. In today’s turbulent environment, managers must constantly coordinate and improve management methods and principles, adapting to new situations that have arisen. The issue of protecting people while ensuring business sustainability is now one of the priority tasks of every organization on the planet. The object of research of the master’s qualification robot is JSC "KREDOBANK". The subject of research of the master’s qualification thesis is the theoretical and applied aspects of building an effective stress resistance management system in times of turbulence. The purpose of the master’s qualification thesis: features of managing the stress resistance of personnel in times of turbulence. The results of the study showed personnel management at JSC "KREDOBANK", identified weaknesses and developed recommendations for improving the organization’s work. The total number of pages is 62 pages. The work contains 6 tables, 17 figures. The list of used literature includes 42 titles. Key words: stress, personnel, stress resistance, turbulence. List of used literary sources: 1. Nazarets L., Rudenko N. Peculiarities of stress resistance of future special education specialists 26-28.01.2022. P. 291–295. 2. Korolchuk V. M. Rationale for the organizational model of personality stress resistance research. Problems of extreme and crisis psychology. 2010. Issue 7. P. 210-218. 3. Kohut, O. O. (2021). Psychology of personality stress resistance. Doctor of Diss. psychol. of science