Reconstruction of the 220 kV "Lutsk South" substation by organizing the construction of a new 110 kV linear cell for connection to the wind power plant of "VOLYN WEST WIND-2" LLC

Students Name: Kashliak Halyna Bohdanivna
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Electrical Energetics, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics
Institute: Institute of Power Engineering and Control Systems
Mode of Study: part
Academic Year: 2022-2023 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: The current capacity of wind power plants in Ukraine exceeds 51 MW, and since the first domestic wind power plant came into operation, more than 80 million kWh have been produced. electricity. According to experts, the total potential capacity of Ukrainian wind energy is 5,000 MW. The coasts of the Black and Azov Seas, the mountainous regions of the Crimean Peninsula (especially the northeastern coast) and the Carpathian, Odesa, Kherson, Zaporizhzhya, Donetsk, Luhansk, and Mykolaiv regions are most suitable for the construction of wind power plants. The potential of Crimea alone is sufficient for the production of more than 40 billion kWh. of electricity every year. But for obvious reasons, researching the potential of other regions of Ukraine in the context of producing alternative electrical energy is a necessary direction today. It is estimated that at the current level of wind energy development, the construction of wind power plants (WES) in the "windy" regions of Ukraine would cover almost a third of the electricity we consume. From a technical point of view, wind power generation has already come very close to traditional power generation: on modern wind turbines, the utilization factor of the installed capacity reaches 42 percent. This is almost as much as on the turbines of thermal power plants common today. At the same time, under the condition of the appearance of new sources of electrical energy, ensuring the reliable operation of the existing electrical system of Ukraine remains an important aspect. Study and analysis of the impact of new energy sources on the operation of the system, its equipment and protection elements. That is why the object of the study is the 220 kV substation "Lutsk pivdenna" and its reconstruction by connecting a wind power plant. The subject of the study is the study of the impact on the operation of the 220 kV "Lutsk South" substation of the connection of a new source of electricity, namely "Volyn West Wind-2". The purpose of the master’s thesis is to study the effectiveness and feasibility of connecting new alternative energy sources to the energy system of Ukraine. An analysis of the parameters and characteristics of the 220 kV "Lutsk South" substation was carried out, project solutions were proposed and verified, the main equipment was calculated and selected, and load modes and the effect of connecting the wind turbine to the research object. For this, calculations and verification of the proposed equipment and protection elements for connection and reliable operation of the network after the connection of the wind turbine were carried out. Computer modeling and calculation of operating modes of the 220 kV "Lutsk Piddenna" substation before reconstruction and after reconstruction at different levels of power output from the wind power plant were also performed. Keywords: wind power plant, electric network, load modes, computer simulation. 1. Szeged M.S. Electrical networks and systems: Textbook. Lviv: Publishing House of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic", 2007. - 488 p. 2. A powerful software tool for modeling, analysis, planning and optimization of modern electric power systems [Electronic resource] - Resource access mode: 3. Bakhor Z.M. Basics of designing substations and lines of electrical networks: Synopsis of lectures for students of the direction 6.050701 "Electrical engineering and electrical technologies". – Lviv: Publishing House of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic", 2015. – 235 p.