Bitumen emulsions for the cold road clothing recycling technology

Students Name: Vynarchyk Oleksandr Danovych
Qualification Level: master (ESP)
Speciality: Building and Civil Engineering
Institute: Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Systems
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2022-2023 н.р.
Language of Defence: англійська
Abstract: Vynarchyk Oleksandr Danovych, manager Yu.V. Sidun, associate professor of the ADM department. "Bitumen emulsions for the technology of cold recycling of road clothing. Master’s thesis - Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, 2023 The object of the research: the mixture is made using cold recycling technology and the road materials are made using cold recycling technology. The subject of the research: Establishing the quality indicators of the mixture produced by cold recycling technology and road materials produced by cold recycling technology based on various cationic bitumen emulsions and aggregates. The purpose of the research: To design and research the compositions of the mixture produced by cold recycling technology and road materials produced by cold recycling technology based on crushed stone-sand mixtures of acidic and basic rocks and cationic bitumen emulsions with the use of special emulsifiers and chloride and orthophosphate acids. Objectives of the study: 1. To conduct an overview of the problems of using bitumen emulsions, in particular for cold recycling technology. 2. Select raw materials for designing bitumen emulsions and mixtures for cold recycling. 3. To cite research methods of bitumen emulsions, crushed stone-sand mixtures and used asphalt concrete and road materials themselves produced by cold recycling technology. 4. Design and research the features of cationic bitumen emulsions using special emulsifiers and hydrochloric and orthophosphate acids. 5. To establish the main characteristics of crushed stone-sand mixtures depending on the source rock used. 6. To determine the influence of raw materials on the physical and mechanical parameters of road materials produced by cold recycling technology. Cold recycling – in recent years, it has become almost a panacea when arranging the foundation for major road repairs. Therefore, this technology was chosen for research in the master’s qualification work. This technology allows the use of existing pavement or materials where possible without removing them from the road, which gives the greatest advantage to the reuse of pavement and base materials. With the help of special recycling equipment, the coating is ground to a design depth of up to 24 cm in one pass, creating a homogeneous mass that is compacted after homogenization. The process can be accompanied by the addition of new materials that are not enough according to the design composition, as well as the possible addition of viscous materials, such as cement, VE or foamed bitumen. What emulsion should be - homogeneous, stable and completely disintegrating. Therefore, it should evenly distribute the bitumen throughout the volume. As a result of the breakdown of the emulsion, the moment when the bitumen will not be able to change its location in the regenerated mixture occurs after compaction with rollers. If recycling is done at a soil mixing plant and transported to the place of placement, then the emulsion must be ultra-stable (ultra-slow disintegration), ultimately it must remain semi-degraded from the moment of homogenization at the plant, survive transportation, placement on objects and disintegrate with a compacted roller. Since the mobility of the emulsion makes it possible to better seal such a coating, and the water protruding from the emulsion hydrates with cement. Today, fully disintegrating bitumen emulsions with hydrochloric acid are used for XP technology, without any alternative regarding the possibility of using an acid other than hydrochloric acid. Therefore, research in the master’s thesis was focused on the installation possibilities and technical effect regarding the use of orthophosphate acid for bitumen emulsions, which are used for cold recycling technology. Key words: petroleum road bitumen, bitumen emulsions, orthophosphate acid, cold recycling technology. 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