Reconstruction of a water heating boiler house (200 inhabitants) in Lutsk and development of a strategy to ensure uninterrupted operation of boiler equipment

Students Name: Dalska Sofia Andriivna
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Water Supply and Sewerage System
Institute: Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Systems
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2022-2023 н.р.
Language of Defence: англійська
Abstract: SUMMARY The diploma project of the second high education level (Master) on the theme: "Reconstruction of the boiler plant for district heating for a group of dwelling houses in Lutsk": explanatory note on 82 с, 13 bibliographic names; drawings - 10 arcs. f. A1 The purpose of the project is to increase the efficiency of the boiler-house heat The heat consumption for heating and hot water supply (maximum, average, annual) was determined. The heat consumption for heating is determined by the loss of heat by the fences of houses, which amounted to 745 kW, including the heat consumption for heating infiltration air. The maximum (223 kW) and average (93 kW) heat consumption for hot water supply during the heating period are calculated for six residential houses with the number of hot water consumers 1134 people. The thermal circuit of a heating water heating boiler for a closed system of heat supply is determined and calculated including centralized preparation of hot water inside the boiler-house. Estimated regimes: maximum-winter, average coldest month and summer. The total load for the maximum-winter regime is 922 kW; for summer mode - 66 kW including heat consumption for own needs of the boilerhouse. Two boilers were chosen according to the calculation of the thermal circuit: GREENOx.e. 70 nominal capacity of 700 kW and GREENOx.e. 30 nominal capacity of 300 kW. The secondary boiler equipment was selected: network water pumps, hot water supply (circulating), circulating boiler water, hydraulic distributor. Two heat-generating heaters of the Teplobak company with a capacity of 2 m3 each were selected according to the results of thermal calculations. To prepare recharge water there is provided sodium cationic water treatment with a productivity of 1 m3 / h. Two filters from the BWT company were selected based on the calculations. Key words: boiler, heating, hot water supply, natural gas, water preparation, pump, heat exchanger. References: 1. Bozhenko M.F. Sources of heat supply and consumers of heat: Education. manual/ M.F. Bozhenko, V.P. Salo, - K.: Polytechnic Publishing House, 2004. - 192 p. 2. DSTU-N B A2.2. – 5: 2007. Design. Guidelines for the development and compilation of the energy passport of buildings during new construction and reconstruction. – Valid from 2008-07-01. - K: NDIp, 2007. - 43 p. 3. Lebedev P.D. Heat-using installations of industrial enterprises: Tutorial. aid for universities./ P.D. Lebedev, A.A. Shchukin, - M.: Energy, 1970. – 408 p., illustrations. 4. 11. Heating tank. Catalog of equipment [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: 5. Lifshits O.V. Reference book on the design of water treatment plants for lowpower boilers. / O.V. Lyfshits. - M.: Energiya, 1969. - 288 p. 6. Design of Na-cationization installations. - M.: Santechproekt, 1975. - 26 p. 7. DBN B.2.5. – 64: 2012. Internal water supply and sewage. Part I. Design. Part II. Construction. – Valid from 2014-03.01. - K.: DP Miskbudproekt, 2012. - 105 p. 8. SNiP 2.04.05 – 91. Heating, ventilation, air conditioning. - Effective from 1997. - M.: GUP TsPP, 1997. - 72 p.