Prospects of composting the composition of organic household waste and sewage sludge for the use of compost for reclamation purposes

Students Name: Kotys Oleh
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Environmental Control and Audit
Institute: Viacheslav Chornovil Institute of Sustainable Development
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2022-2023 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: Kotys J., Malovanyy M. (supervisor). Prospects of composting a composition of organic household waste and sewage sludge for the use of compost for reclamation purposes. Master’s thesis. - Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, 2022. Extended abstract The master’s qualification work is devoted to solving the scientific and practical task - increasing the level of environmental safety by using sewage sludge as a raw material for the production of composite for the purposes of reclamation of disturbed lands. As a result of laboratory research, the optimal conditions for obtaining and using substrates with the use of sewage sludge for biological reclamation of man-made disturbed lands were determined. Study object - biotechnological processes of obtaining substrates based on organic waste. Scope ofresearch - processes of creating substrates for reclamation based on sewage sludge. Goal of research: increasing the level of environmental safety through the use of sewage sludge as a raw material for the production of compost for the purposes of reclamation of disturbed lands. The current state of solid household waste handling and management in Ukraine and the world is analyzed. Emphasis is placed on the expediency of disposing of the organic component of solid household waste by composting to obtain biofertilizer-compost and turning waste into a secondary material resource, which will significantly reduce the environmental burden on actual and potentially planned landfills [1]. In this regard, organic wastes are considered as potential resources that can be used to provide chemicals and nutrients for human needs. Therefore, such waste management is rational and saves resources, which becomes important for a sustainable economy, preservation of the ecosystem, as well as for reducing dependence on finite natural resources. The world experience of using sewage sludge in the technologies of reclamation of disturbed lands was considered and evaluated [2]. An analysis of the current state of solid waste handling and management in Ukraine was carried out. It was established that the current state of the field is unsatisfactory due to the lack of an effective waste management mechanism, in particular: prevention of waste generation, reuse and recycling of waste, which is the most important component of a resource-efficient economy. A comparative characterization of biotechnological methods of organic waste disposal was carried out [3]. It has been proven that the utilization of solid waste by biotechnological methods is ecologically expedient and economically acceptable and implemented in a complex with mechanobiological technology: solid waste is sorted according to the functional part of the waste (metal, plastic, glass, paper, etc.); organic waste is disposed of by composting to obtain fertilizer - compost [4]. It has been established that the advantages of organic waste disposal by biological methods are: their hygiene and transformation of waste into value-added products, reduction of mass and volume, and reduction of environmental pollution. A properly managed composting process provides a stable result and a harmless final product that can be used for reclamation and remediation of solid waste landfills [5]. According to the results of the study of the process of aerobic biocomposting of organic mixtures in laboratory conditions, the perspective of using sewage sludge as part of the raw material composition was proven, and it was also proven that the addition of wood chips and active compost stimulates the assimilation of ammonia, nitrification of microbes improves the structure, porosity of the composting mixture and free air space , which affects ventilation and nutrient conversion. The calculation of the economic indicators of the use of the increased biomass of hydrobionts in the technologies of biological treatment of surface water as a raw material for the production of biogas was carried out. The organizational effect of the investment project of food waste composting organization is UAH 25,362.33. Keywords: environmental safety, solid household waste, compost, reclamation, sewage sludge. References Sachs, J.D., (2012). From millennium development goals to sustainable development goals. The Lancet 379, 2206-2211. 60685-0. Awasthi, M.K., Pandey, A,K., Khan, J., Bundela, P.S.,Wong, J.W.C., Selvam, A., (2014). Evaluation of thermophilic fungal consortium for organic municipal solid waste composting. Bioresour. Technol, 168, 214-221. Wu, C., Li, W., Wang, K., Li, Y. (2015). Usage of pumice as bulking agent in sewage sludge composting. Bioresour Technol, 190, 516-21. Spangenberg, J.H. (2017). Hot air or comprehensive progress? A critical assessment of the SDGs. Sustain. Dev. 25, 311-321. United Nations, (2015). Transforming our world: the 2030 agenda for sustainable development. In: General Assembley 70 session, 16301, pp. 1-35.