Plant for the manufacture and renovation of steel structures in Vinnytsia

Students Name: Yusko Volodymyr
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Industrial and Civil Construction
Institute: Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Systems
Mode of Study: part
Academic Year: 2022-2023 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: Ysko V.V., Kramarchuk A.P. (supervisor). Plant for the manufacture and renovation of steel structures in Vinnytsia. Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv 2022 Summary The master’s thesis consists of eleven sheets of AI format and five sections of an explanatory note. The dimensions of the building in the axes "A"-"K" "1"-"21" are 120*33 m (see sheet 02). The mark of the crane rail is 16,000, the bottom of the truss is 20,400. The absolute mark of 65.4 m on the general plan corresponds to the relative ±0.000, which is taken as the level of the clean floor of the first floor of the workshop of the production building. The whole structure is of a frame type, the span (L) is 33 m, the pitch of the load-bearing structures B is 6 m, the length of the building is 120 m. All load-bearing structures are metal, foundations are monolithic reinforced concrete and individual columns. The walls are sandwich panels filled with mineral wool, the wall thickness is 200 mm. The thermal regime of the building is heating, the construction of the roof is continuous. The coating is made of profiled sheets, on which mineral wool plates are laid, followed by a synthetic membrane coating. The first architectural and construction section is represented by four sheets. The first sheet shows the general plan, conventional designations, an explanation of buildings and structures, including the designed mill house, and technical and economic indicators. The first section of the explanatory note presents the characteristics of the object, architectural and construction solutions, constructive solutions, energy saving measures. The second section of building structures is placed on four sheets of AI format. The calculation and design of monolithic reinforced concrete column foundations [4], the overhead and under-crane parts of the column, the covering truss and the under-crane beam [1], [2], [5], [10] were carried out, the necessary collection of loads on the load-bearing structure of the industrial building was carried out [1 ], [2]. The "LIRA" and "MONOMAX" software complex was used for the static calculation of the frame. According to the accepted structural schemes of the building, calculation models were composed. Spatial rigidity and stability is provided by horizontal and vertical ties along the truss belts, floor beams, as well as portal and cross ties. The third section of technology and organization of construction is represented by three sheets of AI format, on which a technological map, a budget plan and a calendar schedule of works have been developed. The technological map is designed for the installation of 6 m metal crane beams. The technological map describes in detail safety techniques, quality control, information on the need for technological standards, and a schedule of work on the installation of crane beams. On the sheet of the budgenplan, its TEP, conventional designations, explanation of temporary structures and notes are also presented. In the fourth chapter, an estimate is made and the total cost of building the workshop is determined. In the fifth chapter of scientific research, a visual-instrumental survey is presented on the example of metal structures of trusses from bent-closed profiles with a span of L=24 mOn the sheet of the calendar schedule of work for the possibility of erecting a manufacturing plant and restoring metal structures, all necessary work is provided with the necessary units of measurement and their number, labor intensity according to the norms of human shifts and mouse shifts, the number of shifts, the duration of work and the term of work. The object of the study: one-story industrial building with a full metal The subject of the study: monolithic reinforced concrete, metal supporting structures consisting of a one-story frame and enclosing external walls made of sandwich panels The aim of the study: design the load-bearing structures of an industrial building (foundation, covering truss, column, crane beam), execute a technological map for the installation of columns, budget plan, estimate the cost of constructing an industrial building, develop scientific studies on the survey of broom covering structures that were damaged due to poor production culture and unsatisfactory operation The results of the study: according to the approved topic, the calculation and design of the supporting structures (foundation, roof truss, above-crane and under-crane parts of the column, under-crane beam) was performed. A technological map for the execution of installation works, a budget plan, a calendar schedule of construction has been developed. The estimated cost for the construction of an industrial building has been determined. The metal roof trusses made of bent-closed profiles, which were damaged due to poor production culture and unsatisfactory operation, were examined, and proposals were made to strengthen them. Keywords – monolithic reinforced concrete, frame structural scheme, column, floor slab, constant and variable loads, flowchart, local cost accounting. References 1. DBN V.1.2-14:2018. General principles of ensuring the reliability and structural safety for buildings, structures, building structures, and foundations. 2. DBN V.1.2-2:2006. Reliability and safety system of construction objects. Loads and influences. Design standards (with changes No1 from 01.05.2019) 3. DBN V.1.1-12:2014. The construction in seismic areas of Ukraine (with changes No1 from 01.05.2019). 4. DBN V.2.1-10-2018. Bases and foundations of buildings. 5. DBN V.2.6-198:2014. Steel structures. Design rules, production, and mounting. 6. DBN V.2.6-98:2009. Concrete and reinforced concrete structures. 7. DSTU-N B V.1.1-18:2016. Guidelines for the investigation of buildings and structures to determine and estimate their technical state. 8. Practical calculation of elements of reinforced concrete structures by DBN V.2.6-98:2009 compared with the calculations by SNiP 2.03.01-84* і EN 1992-1-1 (Eurocode 2) V.М. Babayev, A.M. Bambura, O.M. Pustovoitova, P.A. Reznik, E.G. Stoyanov, V.S. Shmukler. Kharkiv, ТОV «Gold pages», 2015. 9. Blikharskyy Z.Ya. Calculation and design of normal and inclined cross-sections of reinforced concrete elements. Manual. Z.Ya. Blikharskyy, І.І. Karkhut, R.F. Struk. Lviv, 2014 p.141. 10. А.P. Kramarchuk, B.М. Ilnytskyy, Т.V. Bobalo. Building structures. Lviv. Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2016.-199p.