Problematic points in a journalist’s work during coverage of war events: moral aspects, professional challenges

Students Name: Shtyk Lesia Andriivna
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Journalism
Institute: Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology
Mode of Study: part
Academic Year: 2022-2023 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: The purpose of the work is a thorough study of the peculiarities of information coverage in the conditions of a military conflict, using the example of Ukrainian and foreign mass media. The work presents theoretical aspects based on the work of well-known Ukrainian researchers and journalists. Among such published figures are I. Krupskyi, S. Gorevalov, N. Zykun, G. Kryvosheya, N. Pidmohylna. The purpose of the work is a thorough study of the peculiarities of information coverage in the conditions of a military conflict, using the example of Ukrainian and foreign mass media. The object of the research is the content of the domestic ("TSN") and foreign ("Deutsche Welle") media about the military conflict started by the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine. The paper analyzes the role of journalists in the period of the military conflict, and also defines the features of war coverage on the example of domestic and foreign media. The research is based on the use of the content analysis method, which made it possible to effectively analyze the highlighted events related to the war in Ukraine. In addition, the historical and comparative method is the basis of the work, which made it possible to determine the periods of emergence, formation and formation of military journalism in Ukraine, as well as to investigate the differences in the coverage of the Russian-Ukrainian war between domestic and foreign media. The results of the research showed that since the invasion of Russia on the territory of Ukraine, the role of military journalism has increased significantly, and since February 24, 2022, the mass media of our country have even more actively focused their attention on the informational struggle against the aggressor. The research also revealed that foreign mass media also publish a lot of information about events in Ukraine. This allows the whole world to know and understand the truth that Russia is a terrorist country. Keywords – media, journalism, war, ethics, law. References 1. Agnes I. Journalism textbook: book / Yves Agnes. - K.: Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, 2013. - 544 p. 2. Bachynskyi Yu. O. Ukraine Irredenta: monograph / Yulian Oleksandrovich Bachynskyi. - Berlin: Ukrainian Youth Publishing House, 1924. - 237 p. 3. Holopatyuk L.S., I. Determination and analysis of the features of the components of modern military conflicts: Sci. work / L. S. Holopatyuk, R. I. Tymoshenko. – K.: Center for Military and Strategic Research of the National University of Defense of Ukraine named after I. Chernyakhovsky, 2017 - pp. 21–27. 4. Gordienko S.G. The essence and meaning of the concept of "state security" / S.G. Gordienko // Strategic panorama. - 2003. - No. 2. - with. 114-120. 5. Gorevalov S. Military ZMK in the information space of Ukraine: Tasks and prospects for development / S. I. Gorevalov, N. I. Zykun. – L.: Lviv Visnyk, 2013. – 250 p. 6. Gorevalov S. I. Military journalism of Ukraine: history and modernity: monograph / Serhiy Ivanovich Gorevalov. – L.: Publishing House of the Military Institute at the Lviv Polytechnic State University, 1998. – 170 p. 7. Gorevalov S. I. Essays on the history of the Ukrainian military press: a monograph / Serhiy Ivanovich Gorevalov. – L.: Publishing House of the Military Institute at the Lviv Polytechnic State University, 1998. – 338 p. 8. Horevalov S. I. Ukrainian military journalism: formation and role in national liberation competitions for the formation of an independent state (1914-1920) / S. I. Horevalov, I. V. Krupskyi. – L.: Publishing House of the Military Institute at the Lviv Polytechnic State University, 1997. – 216 c. 9. Didur O., Special information operations - the beginning of a hybrid war [Electronic resource] /O. Didur// ArmyInform - Access mode: 10. Zhivotko A. History of the Ukrainian press: book / A. Zhivotko. - K.: Scientific Publishing Center "Our Culture and Science", 1999. - 40p. 11. Law of Ukraine "On the National Informatization Program" (Vedomosti Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (VVR). - 1998. - No. 27-28, Article 181.