Strategies substantiation for achieving competitive advantages at “VOEVODYNO” Ltd using digital marketing tools
Students Name: Prindyn Olha Myroslavivna
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Internet-Marketing
Institute: Institute of Economics and Management
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2023-2024 н.р.
Language of Defence: англійська
Abstract: The creation of competitive advantages is a specialized managerial activity that takes place considering various factors, primarily: the vision and mission of the business organization, its goals and objectives, available resources, the state of the internal (strengths and weaknesses) and external (opportunities and threats) environment of the company, and the methodology of strategic positioning [1]. The turbulence of economic processes occurring in the Ukrainian internal and external environment complicates the operations of hotel businesses and diminishes their performance. Numerous threats, such as the unstable market condition due to a sharp depreciation of the national currency, significant losses because of the actions of the aggressor Russia, an unstable operational environment, and financial dependence on the level of hotel occupancy, weaken them, while the surrounding business environment remains consistently unstable. This situation raises questions about the adaptation of the hotel sector to negative external conditions to maintain a resilient market position [2]. Marketing as a management concept for hotels, as opposed to its use as a supporting function for production and service sales, emphasizes orienting the entire range of functions toward satisfying specific market demands from various consumer groups. Consequently, it involves taking into account market conditions, and studying the specific needs of hotel service consumers [3]. To ensure the effective implementation of plans for the post-war recovery of the tourism industry, it is advisable to intensify collaboration among key entities in the value creation chain in the tourism sector, both internationally and for specific tourist destinations. Considering this, the issue of digitizing this sector and implementing innovative projects aimed at improving communication with customers and partners, efficiently tracking market changes, and promptly responding to them, becomes relevant [4]. The uncertainty and instability of the external environment prompt the business structures of the hospitality industry to reconsider the principles of customer relationship management. This revision should be based on the implementation of a customer-centric thinking policy, adapting the business model to new trends in consumer behavior, ensuring the digital transformation of customer service, and emphasizing the consideration of key customer behavior trends in managing the consumer experience. Key tools for managing customer experience include solutions in customer experience designing, metrics for evaluating the effectiveness of consumer interaction with the company, new approaches to shaping marketing policies, and digital marketing tools [5]. Digital marketing is essential for the stability of hotel business in modern terms due to the attraction of new customers, retention of existing ones, and improvement of financial and non-financial performance indicators of hospitality establishments. Companies can use various devices such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, TVs, gaming consoles, digital advertising boards, and media such as social networks, SEO (search engine optimization), video, content, email, and more to promote the company, enhance its image, increase sales volumes of goods and services, achieve marketing goals, and improve competitive positions, positively impacting business performance indicators [6]. The study object is the process of forming strategic competitive advantages using digital marketing tools. The scope of research is theoretical and applied principles of forming competitive advantages for «VOEVODYNO» Ltd using digital marketing tools. The goal of this research is to research the terms and factors of the formation of strategies to achieve competitive advantages for «VOEVODYNO» Ltd using digital marketing tools. The research findings. Summarized the theoretical approaches to defining competition, competitive advantages, and competitiveness. Systematized the terms and factors strengthening the competitive positions of the hospitality industry business. Considered the main digital marketing tools in the resorts and recreational complexes activity. Analyzed the economic and marketing activities of «VOEVODYNO» Ltd, as well as the level of technology and digital tool utilization. Analyzed the market for resort and recreational services in the Transcarpathian region and global trends in implementing digital marketing tools in the tourism service market. The research investigates the impact of digital technology development and digital marketing tools on building loyalty within the target audience of «VOEVODYNO» Ltd. It is substantiated the main directions of strategic decisions to achieve competitive advantages for «VOEVODYNO» Ltd with customer loyalty formation and using the potential of digital platforms and technologies in the tourism and leisure service market. Keywords: competition, competitive advantages, marketing strategies, digital marketing, References 1. Shevchenko L.S. Konkurentni perevahy biznesu: upravlinsko-oriientovanyi pohliad na problemu. Ekonomichna teoriia ta pravo.2022. № 2(49). S. 72-92. 2. Zavidna L. D. Hotelnyi biznes: stratehii rozvytku : monohrafiia. Kyiv, 2017. 600 s. 3. Kovalenko L.H., Naherniuk D.V. 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