Resource-functional approach in the construction cost information models forming
Students Name: Kulyk Petro Petrovych
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Economics and Construction Management
Institute: Institute of Economics and Management
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2023-2024 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: Kulyk P.P., Melnyk V.M. (head). Resource-functional approach in the construction cost information models forming. Master’s qualification work. - Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, 2023. Ensuring the efficiency of the construction industry can be implemented through intelligent management, which will take into account the interaction of participants, calculate the needs of investments, the efficiency of innovative technologies, both in the process of construction and in the process of operation of buildings. It is for these reasons that in the largest world states and countries of the European Union, the technologies of information modeling of buildings, the so-called BIM technologies, (Building Information Modeling), which are computer technologies for processing all object data (architectural, design, economic, technological, etc.) in a single information system[1]. Such a digital management information system can create an up-to-date computer model of a specified construction object at any moment in time at various stages of its life cycle. The relevance of the topic is confirmed by the need for technical and technological rearmament of the industry, the possibility of using new information technologies in the design of buildings and calculation of construction structures, the use of software products in the field of construction process management, in the field of determining the economic efficiency of investment processes[2]. The works of many scientists, such as S.D. Bushueva, I.I. Oberemka, R.B. Tyana, V.A. Vysashcheva, focused in particular on the application of project management methodologies and software products, some works by O.M. Savkova, V.P. Nikolayeva, T.A. Goncharenko, highlighting the issues of operation of construction objects and management of the cost of their life cycle and the work of foreign scientists, D. Gerdner, G. Hervey, D. Heworth, G. Sussmen, and others. Modern software products, which are mainly focused on architectural design, visualization and calculation of structures, provide a wide opportunity to work at the level of construction products, structural elements, and the ability to transfer data to other software modules. At the same time, there is still no clear understanding of what a finished complete BIM model should include. This is determined by the problems of practical implementation of VIM technologies, in particular, the problem of uniform coding of works, disconnected stages of the life cycle, and often the lack of common interests of all participants of the life cycle, which must be taken into account even at the design stage [3]. After all, such decisions made in the design process may not take into account the needs of operation, not to mention the need to take into account the duration of operation and the possibility of renovation or liquidation of the object. The purpose of the work is to study the theoretical provisions and practical aspects of the formation of the information model of the cost of construction. The object of the study is the process of forming an information model of the cost of construction. The subject of the study is a resource-functional approach in the formation of the cost of construction. Key words: construction information modeling, life cycle cost, resource-element, structural elements, estimation norms. References: 1. Zhurakovska, M. O. Management of the cost of renovation of the housing stock. Economic analysis: coll. of science works Ternopil National University of Economics. Ternopil "Economic Thought" VOC. 2014. Volume 17. No. 2. P. 30-46. 2. Honcharenko T. A. BIM technologies as a toolkit for creating an information model of the life cycle of a construction object. Management of the development of complex systems. Kyiv, 2021. No. 47. P. 83 – 88. 3. Kuybida V.S., Nikolaev V.P., Nikolayeva T.V., Sichny S.B. etc.. Building information modeling in the management of the cost of the life cycle of objects: a monograph. Ivano-Frankivsk. 2018.-128p.