Features of land allocation «TVK «Zodiak» LLC
Students Name: Kinash Ihor Romanovych
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Land Management and Cadastre
Institute: Institute of Geodesy
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2023-2024 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: This study presents an analysis of cadastral works and features of land allocation for the Lviv Regional Council for placement and operation of main, auxiliary, and ancillary buildings and processing, engineering, and other industries premises (for maintenance of non–residential buildings). The research of cadastral works is carried out, and their results are presented. A detailed description of restrictions on the use of this land is given. Since the land plot is to be leased, the normative monetary value was calculated and the amount of rent was calculated. The article analyzes the urban planning documentation of the local level, which is developed with the aim of determining the planning organization and functional purpose, spatial composition and parameters of development and landscape organization of production, part of the territory of a settlement. The object of research – Land for placement and operation of main, auxiliary, and ancillary buildings and processing, engineering, and other industries premises. The subject of research – Development of a land management project for the allocation of the plot. The purpose of the study: A master thesis was performed to analyze the procedure for allocating land provided for lease to "TVC "Zodiac" LLC. Research results According to the Land Code of Ukraine, the size of land plots provided for industrial lands is determined by the state norms and project documentation approved under the established procedure. Land plots are allocated taking into account the order of their development plan. Land reform is associated with changes in ownership, redistribution of land, increasing the number of land users and landowners, which requires a large number of justifications, technical calculations, production of cartographic materials, legal certification of land rights, state registration, and requires appropriate legislation and financing (Sai, 2019). The project of allocation of a land plot for rent for an industrial facility solves a set of issues related to the regulation of land relations. In particular, only one such project may ensure the formation of land directly from the reserve lands and by removing the land or part of it used by the legal entity, as well as determining the conditions of its use and allocation conditions, changing the composition of the land, calculating agricultural and/or forestry losses, calculation of compensation for losses caused to land users (Pashkevych, 2018). The master thesis contains the analysis of the land management project of land allocation for maintaining non–residential premises in Shchyrets village. The land is located on the 17 Zagorodky str., Shchyrets village, Lviv district of Lviv region. The land plot belongs to the category of land for the main purpose – land for industry, transport, communications, energy, defense and other purposes. The project complies with p. 50 of the Law of Ukraine "On Land Management" and other regulations. State standards, norms and rules on land management establish a set of qualitative and quantitative indicators, parameters governing the development and implementation of land management documentation, taking into account environmental, economic, social, climatic and other conditions. This land management project for land allocation, subject to all requirements, provides for the lease of land plot 11.02. for the placement and operation of main, auxiliary and auxiliary buildings and structures of processing machine-building and other industries, for the maintenance of a complex of production buildings of LLC "TVC "Zodiac". Allocation of land will not negatively affect the use of adjacent land. Summarizing the above, it can be stated that the legality, legal security and physical possibility of leasing a land plot of 1,1000 hectares to a limited liability company for the placement and operation of main, auxiliary and auxiliary buildings and structures of processing, machine-building and other industries (for maintenance of a complex of industrial buildings) at 17 Zahorodky Street in Shchyrets is confirmed by documents. The investigated land plot has several types of restrictions, the main ones being: a security zone along the power transmission line; a sanitary protection zone around the facility; and a land easement - the right to drive a vehicle along the existing road. In order to determine how the settlement will develop in the future, taking into account the rational use of natural resources and creating the best living and working conditions, a detailed territory plan is being developed. This territory plan defines the functional structure of the settlement, its layout and development. It should ensure the rational use of land, environmental protection and creation of comfortable living conditions for the population. The detailed plan of the territory for maintenance of production and warehouse facilities within Zahorodky Street, 17 in Shchyrets was developed in accordance with the applicable regulations. Key words – land allotment, cadastral works, normative monetary valuation, protection zone, land use restrictions. List of References About Land management, 4 U.S.L. § 50 (2003) https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/858-15 Закон України, З. (2003). Про землеустрій»: прийнятий 22 травня 2003 року № 858–IV. Відом. Верхов. Ради України (ВВР), (36), 282. Sai, V., Кhavar, Y., & Vynarchyk, L. (2019). The relevance assessment of the land use for wind power engineering in settlements of Lviv region. Geodesy and Cartography, 45(4), 154–160. Stupen, M., Stupen, N., Ryzhok, Z., & Taratula, R. (2020). Methodology of zoning application for agricultural crops cultivation on the basis of space imagery. Scientific Papers: Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture & Rural Development, 20(1). Taratula, R., & Stupen, N. (2018). Land resources management in Ukraine under the conditions of the local government reforming. Scientific Papers: Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development, 18, 375–382. Pashckevych, I. (2018). Land management project of land plot allocation and its registration. Problems, inconsistencies and suggestions. Land Bulletin of Ukraine, March, 2018.