Development of the Sound Signal Spectrum Analyzer for Android
Students Name: Krupskyi Andrii Serhiiovych
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Radioelectronic devices, systems and complexes
Institute: Institute of Telecommunications, Radioelectronics and Electronic Engineering
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2023-2024 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: The master’s thesis is focused on developing a spectrum analyzer for mobile devices on the Android platform. The primary objective of this research is to create an application capable of capturing audio signals from the mobile device’s microphone in real-time and visualizing their spectral composition. Spectral analysis of audio signals holds significance across various domains, including acoustic research, audio diagnostics, music analysis, and many other application areas. The designed application aims to assist users in these domains by enabling them to easily obtain and analyze spectral information. The application is being developed for the Android platform using Java or Kotlin programming languages and the Android Studio toolkit. Key functional requirements encompass the ability to capture the spectrum of audio signals within a specified frequency range from 70 to 3400 Hz, displaying peak values of the spectrum with the option to reset them, scaling the spectrum along the amplitude and frequency axes, and providing a user-friendly interface. The master’s thesis extensively delves into the application development process, including the selection and implementation of algorithms for spectrum analysis and visualization, integration with the mobile device’s microphone, and product optimization to ensure effective real-time operation. The results of this work can be valuable for scientific research in the field of audio signal processing, as well as for creating practical applications such as audio diagnostics, music analysis, and various other domains where the analysis of audio signals constitutes a crucial element of research and supplementary applications. This master’s thesis aims to develop a tool that enables users to acquire detailed information about audio signals by displaying their spectral characteristics in real- time. This is particularly valuable in situations where it is necessary to analyze acoustic phenomena, monitor sound quality, or even detect anomalies in audio signals. One of the primary advantages of this application is its mobility and accessibility to a wide range of users. Mobile devices on the Android platform are widespread and accessible to many, making the creation of such a spectrum analyzer accessible to individuals across various domains. It is also important to note that this work encompasses the study and implementation of algorithms for processing audio signals, which holds scientific value and can be utilized for further research in the field of audio signal processing. All of these factors make this master’s thesis relevant and valuable for the scientific community and practitioners in the field of audio data processing and acoustic research. The specified spectrum analyzer for audio signals on the Android platform also opens up new opportunities for education and learning. This application can be used in educational institutions to demonstrate the principles of audio signal analysis, helping students better understand and study this important aspect of signal processing. Furthermore, the developed spectrum analyzer can find applications in various fields such as acoustic measurements, audiometry, music analysis, quality control of audio recordings, and even in entertainment, where users can utilize it to study and analyze sounds in their surroundings. Overall, this master’s qualification work opens up new perspectives for audio signal analysis on the Android platform and can serve as a significant step in the development of audio data processing and acoustic research. The object of research – Development of the sound signals spectrum analyzer using Android platform. Subject of research – Fundamentals of Android app development theory and proficiency in Kotlin and Java programming languages were essential aspects of this research. The investigations took place within the Android Studio program. Scientific novelty of the results – Implementation of Fast Fourier Transform on the Android platform using Kotlin language. Practical significance of the results – The developed application allows for analyzing the sound spectrum recorded by the microphone. Keywords: FFT, sound signal spectra, Android application, Jetpack Compose tool, Android Studio environment. References: 6.Перетворення_Фур%27є 7. 8. 9.