Development of an Automated Lighting System Based on WOLED for the Smart Home System

Students Name: Lutskiv Andrii Myroslavovych
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Electronics
Institute: Institute of Telecommunications, Radioelectronics and Electronic Engineering
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2023-2024 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: A smart home is a system of home devices capable of performing actions and solving certain everyday tasks without human intervention. All electrical appliances in a building are functionally interconnected and can be controlled centrally from a remote control. The devices can be connected to a computer network, which allows them to be controlled via a PC and provides remote access to them via the Internet. Thanks to the integration of information technology into the home, all systems and appliances coordinate their functions by comparing predefined programmes and external indicators (conditions)[1]. In 1966, an experimental home automation system called the Echo IV home computer was first introduced. This is a significant step towards the development of the smart home. The system was created by Jim Sutherland, who was an engineer at Westinghouse Electric at the time. [1]. Modern technology development determines the need to implement efficient and intelligent systems in residential premises. The master’s thesis is devoted to the development of an automated lighting system based on WOLED technology for use in the Smart Home system. The aim of the research is to create an efficient lighting system that meets energy efficiency requirements and provides comfort for users[2]. WOLED (White Organic Light-Emitting Diode) technology uses organic light- emitting diodes to create high quality light. Its application in a smart home system allows for high efficiency and a wide range of colours. The study analyses existing automated lighting systems and their competitiveness[3]. 8 The main objectives of the study include the development of an automated lighting device, determination of its technical characteristics, and comparative analysis with analogues on the market. The results of the work include technical characteristics of the developed system, advantages and practical recommendations for its implementation. Keywords: WOLED, Smart home, automated lighting, energy efficiency, intelligent systems. List of references: 1. Учасники проектів Вікімедіа. Розумний дім – Вікіпедія. Вікіпедія. URL:Розумний_дім (дата звернення: 01.11.2023). 2. Розумний дім – Wiki ТНТУ. Wiki ТНТУ. URL:Розумний_дім (дата звернення: 01.11.2023). 3. IQdim. Переваги та недоліки «розумних» будинків. IQdim. URL:переваги-та-недоліки-розумних-будинків (дата звернення: 01.11.2023).