Water supply system in Velyki Birky (3500 inhabitants), Ternopilskyi Distr., Ternopil Region

Students Name: Mykhalushko Roman Bohdanovych
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Water Supply and Sewerage System
Institute: Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Systems
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2023-2024 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: The water supply system for the village of Velyki Birky in the Ternopil Region has been planned and designed. Based on comprehensive analysis, an integrated system for economic, potable, and industrial fire-fighting water supply has been devised [1]. The system is circular, comprising four interconnected rings, with a main network schematic featuring a tower at its initial point. A detailed plan of the village’s water supply network has been developed. The network is engineered to accommodate the maximum anticipated flow rate and is designed to support maximum water distribution, including during fire emergencies. Pipeline diameters have been determined [2], and a composite graph of piezometric lines has been constructed, outlining the path from the second lift pumping station to the water tower. The water source for Velyki Birky village is underground. Consideration has been given to optimal pressureless operation of wells. The proposed setup involves four operational wells and one backup, equipped with TWI 6.18-04-B pumps (Wilo[4]). Chemical analysis indicates the need for water softening, de-ironing, and addressing bacteriological safety concerns. The project includes the establishment of a water treatment facility utilizing pre-fabricated "Struj" type installations for water purification. Post-treatment disinfection involves employing bactericidal units OV-1P-RKS and includes 1 operational and 1 reserve OV-1P lamp. Purified and disinfected water is accumulated and stored in clean water tanks before being distributed throughout the village’s water supply network via the second lift pumping station, equipped with 4 pumps (1 operational, 1 reserve for domestic, potable, and communal needs, and 2 fire pumps). The project entails an analysis of dependencies for hydraulic calculations of the water supply networks. Comparison and analysis between head losses defined in DBN (State Building Codes) and classical hydraulics approaches have been conducted. Detailed estimates for general construction work involved in establishing the village’s water supply network have been formulated [6, 7]. Material costs have been computed based on various options, and a technical-economic comparison of network construction has been carried out. This evaluation includes electricity expenses, amortization deductions, ongoing repair costs, and service personnel salaries. Study object – water supply network of Velyki Birky village of Ternopil region. Scope of research – hydraulic mode of operation of the water supply network of the village of Velyki Birky, Ternopil region. Study Objective: To estimate water consumption, determine regulating tank requirements, establish main network pipeline diameters, compute water intake facility and second lift pumping station capacities, and calculate water treatment facility needs. Additionally, to create local estimates for general construction works. Briefly put research results 1. Estimation of water consumption has been established. 2. Water consumption balance has been documented. 3. Volume calculations for clean water tanks have been completed. 4. Design of the village’s water supply network has been finalized. 5. Hydraulic calculations for the primary water supply network have been conducted. 6. A comprehensive graph of piezometric lines, spanning from the second lift pumping station to the water tower, has been constructed. 7. Water intake structures have been engineered (with key parameters determined, including flow rate and number of wells, selection of pumping equipment, calculation of static water level reduction, and filtration system selection). 8. Water treatment facilities have been calculated. 9. Design for the second lift pumping station has been finalized (specifying station productivity, pump pressure, pump selection, hydraulic calculations for suction and pressure lines within the station, and determination of pump axis marks). 10. Evaluation of environmental impact during the design and construction of water intake facilities and the water supply network has been completed. 11. Local estimates for general construction works have been prepared. Keywords: flow rate, pressure, water tower, clean water tank, pipeline diameter, water intake, pump, pumping station, treatment facilities. References 1. DBN V. 2.5.-74:2013. Vodopostachannia. Zovnishni merezhi ta sporudy. 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