The project of the industrial building at Kovelska street in Lviv

Students Name: Mikava Maksym Hiiovych
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Industrial and Civil Construction
Institute: Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Systems
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2023-2024 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: The purpose of this master’s thesis is to develop a project for an industrial building located at Kovelska Street, Lviv. The study investigates the relevant aspects of industrial construction, including the selection of the optimal design, the use of modern technologies and compliance with regulatory requirements. An analysis of the existing condition of the site and the external environment, including consideration of geological, hydrogeological and other features, was carried out. The requirements for building structures and energy efficiency were studied. The main component of this research work is a thorough development of the building project, including architectural and engineering solutions. The use of modern technologies and advanced materials is a key element in achieving high performance and sustainability of structures. The master’s thesis includes detailed drawings and diagrams necessary for the successful implementation of the project. The conclusions and recommendations of the work are an important outcome of an integrated approach to the creation of a production facility that meets all modern standards of construction and business activity. Much attention is paid to the development of a functional plan that not only takes into account the ergonomics of the premises, but also optimizes the location of work areas and administrative spaces to create a comfortable and safe working environment. The project focuses on the introduction of energy-efficient technologies and the use of resources aimed at reducing environmental impact. The study analyzes the possibilities of using renewable energy sources and efficient management of electricity consumption, contributing to the creation of an environmentally friendly and energy efficient production facility. The feasibility study includes an analysis of construction and operating costs. The industrial building is a warehouse and production complex equipped with a metal frame, which includes two transverse spans and is complemented by a two-story administrative and amenity building. The foundations of this facility are made in the form of bored-injection piles. The columns of the structure consist of metal welded double-branched elements of constant cross-section, ensuring the stability and reliability of the structure. The frame elements, which include metal trusses, are equipped with parallel belts and a downward slope brace. The roof is covered with a load-bearing corrugated sheet, providing optimal weather protection and durability of the building. The wall panels are made in the form of sandwich panels with a total thickness of 150 mm, which provides reliable thermal and sound insulation. The windows in the building are made of metal-plastic and equipped with steel frames to fill the window openings. The height of each window opening is 1.5 meters, providing sufficient shade and natural light for production and administrative premises. The interior decoration of the premises takes into account functionality and safety requirements. The floor structure includes a concrete coating, while linoleum was chosen for the auxiliary rooms, and ceramic tiles that meet sanitary and hygienic requirements are used for the bathrooms. Particular attention was paid to fire protection measures: the walls, which rest on the foundations and extend to the full height of the building, cross all floors and structures, ensuring a high level of fire safety and protection of personnel and property. Taking into account all these aspects, the industrial building on Kovelska Street in Lviv has a high degree of functionality, reliability and meets all modern construction standards.The master’s thesis is a comprehensive approach to the design of an industrial building that can meet the challenges of modernity and contribute to the sustainable development of the city. In conclusion to the abstract of the master’s thesis on the topic "Design of an industrial building on Kovelska Street in Lviv", it can be emphasized that this work highlights an intensive and detailed process of developing a production facility focused on meeting the requirements of modern business and construction standards. The work focuses on the use of advanced technologies and materials to maximize the productivity, sustainability and energy efficiency of the production building. An important component of the project is the development of a functional plan that contributes to the creation of ergonomic and safe working conditions, as well as the optimal location of various functional areas in the building. The emphasis on energy-efficient technologies and the use of renewable resources can significantly reduce the environmental impact of construction and operation. The feasibility study indicates the economic profitability and potential of the project for the development of the local economy. It is noted that the study of investment potential will help to attract financial resources and create new jobs in the region. The comprehensiveness of the approach to project development and the ability to take into account various aspects, including technical, environmental, economic, and socio-cultural requirements, make the master’s thesis an important contribution to the field of construction and development of industrial facilities in Lviv and further define new standards of quality and sustainable development. Keywords: industrial building, metal structure, truss frame, column, pile foundation, monolithic reinforced concrete staircase References. 1. Metal structures: A textbook for students of higher educational institutions / Nilov O.O., Permyakov V.O., Shymanovskyi L.V., Bilyk S.I., Lavrinenko L.I., Belov I.D., Volodymyrskyi V.O. - Edition 2. - K.: Stal, 2010. - 869 p. 2. Designing of bases and foundations / [Vahanov I.I., Mayevska I.V., Popovych M.M., Titko O.V.] - Vinnytsia: VNTU, 2003. - 132 с. 3. Klimov Y. A. 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