The technology development for storing bulk inert materials at an automated concrete mixing complex in Myliatychi village, Lviv region
Students Name: Chernov Serhii
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Building Constructions, Products and Materials Technologies
Institute: Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Systems
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2023-2024 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: The purpose of master’s qualification work is to develop technological solutions for the composition of inert materials for the concrete mixing complex on the street Sonyachna, 1-A in the village Mylyatichi of Lviv district, Lviv region in closed silo containers during the operation of the enterprise. The development of this MQW was carried out in accordance with the requirements of the current building standards and regulations, in particular: - DBN B.2.2-12-2019 "Planning and development of territories"; - DBN A.2.2-3-2014 "Composition and content of project documentation for construction"; - SNiP 2.09.02-85 "Industrial buildings"; - DBN V.1.2-14:2018 "System for ensuring the reliability and safety of construction objects. General principles of ensuring the reliability and structural safety of buildings and structures"; - DSTU B V.1.1-36:2016 "Definition of categories of premises, buildings and external installations according to explosion and fire hazard"; - DBN V.1.1-12:2014 "Construction in seismic areas of Ukraine"; - DBN V.1.2-2:2006 "Loads and influences. Design norms"; - DBN V.2.1-10:2018 "Foundations of buildings and structures. Substantive provisions"; - DSTU B V.2.6-156:2010 "Constructions of buildings and structures. Concrete and reinforced concrete structures made of heavy concrete"; - DBN V.2.6-134:2010 "Constructions of buildings and structures. Stone and stoneware constructions. Substantive provisions"; - DBN V.2.6-161:2010 "Constructions of buildings and structures. Wooden structures. Substantive provisions"; - DSTU B V.2.6-163:2010 "Constructions of buildings and structures. Steel structures"; - DBN V.2.6-220:2017 "Covering of buildings and structures"; The location of the concrete mixing complex refers to the following climatic conditions: - climatic region - I. - snow district - IV. - normative snow load - 1.22 kPa (122 kg/m2). - wind region - III. Standard wind pressure - 0.51 kPa (51 kg/m2). - the average wind speed in winter is 4 m/s. - the average monthly temperature in January is -5°C. - the average monthly temperature in July is 20 °C. - the temperature of the outside air on a cold five-days is -19°С - deviation of average daily temp. from average monthly temperatures of 15°С. - district on the icicle - II. - normative depth of seasonal soil freezing - 1.0 m. Seismicity of the BZV construction site (taking into account the soil category) - 6 points. The established period of building operation is 60 years. The storage of bulk raw materials of the concrete mixing complex is intended for the storage of the enterprise’s cement, sand, crushed stone and additives supplied, as well as for receiving them from vehicles and delivering them to the loading skip of the concrete mixer. Cement is delivered to the plant in truck-mounted cement trucks, unloading takes place with the help of compressed air (pneumatic transport). Through the cement pipeline, which is connected to the cement truck, the cement enters the metal silos, where it is stored. Cement silos are fully mechanized and automated. The silos are equipped with bottom unloaders, aeration shifting devices and cement level feeders in the silo. Filters are installed on the silos to clean the air, which is used to transport cement to the silos from cement trucks. From the cement composition, with the help of bottom unloaders, the cement is fed into a measuring container with a weight dispenser for further loading into the concrete mixer. The warehouse of loose aggregates is designed for storing aggregates, unloading them from vehicles and feeding them into concrete mixers. The following aggregates were used: quartz sand and crushed granite screenings. Aggregates are delivered in dump trucks. Unloading of aggregates from vehicles takes place under the influence of gravitational forces into the receiving hopper. Then, with the help of the "Noria" construction lift, the aggregates are fed into silos for storage. From the silos, bulk materials are fed into a measuring container with a weight dispenser by means of a skip lift for further loading into a concrete mixer. All processes are fully mechanized and automated. The material balance of the concrete mixing complex per year and per unit of finished product (1 m3) is presented in tabular form: Consumption of materials production program № Name of materials Units of meas. Per unit of production (per 1m3) Annual program 1 Cement t 0,38 19 000 2 Sand m3 0,52 26 000 3 Rubble m3 0,82 41 000 4 Water m3 0,108 5 400 5 Additive l 2,7 135 000 The economic effect of replacing the open storage of inert loose non-metallic building materials of the "Zirka" type with the closed silo storage of concrete mix components is in whole year operation of the enterprise, in contrast to the current seasonal nature of the operation of the enterprise. USED LITERATURE: 1. DSTU B V.2.6-145:2010 "Constructions of buildings and structures. Protection of concrete and reinforced concrete structures from corrosion. General technical requirements"; 2. DSTU B V.2.6-193:2013 "Protection of metal structures against corrosion"; 3. PUE:2017 "Rules for the construction of electrical installations"; 4. DBN V.1.1-31:2013 "Protection of territories, buildings and structures from noise"; 5. DBN A.3.2-2-2009 "Labor protection and industrial safety in construction".