Water supply system in Berizka (1500 inhabitants), Mykolaiv Region

Students Name: Haruk Nataliia Mykolaivna
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Water Supply and Sewerage System
Institute: Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Systems
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2023-2024 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: Based on the analysis of the water supply system of the village of Berizka, a unified economic-potable-industrial-firefighting water supply system with three rings has been designed. The main water network has been calculated for the maximum estimated flow rate, considering two scenarios: maximum water consumption and a fire scenario with maximum water usage. The diameters of the upgraded pipelines were determined based on maximum consumption and economical velocity. The calculated flow rate was evaluated based on specific water consumption according to the State Building Code DBN V. 2.5.-74:2013 "Water Supply. External Networks and Facilities. Basic Design Principles". The water source for the village of Berizka is assumed to be underground water, the most reliable and safe source in terms of economics and safety. The location of water intake boreholes was determined based on hydrogeological studies. According to calculations, 1 operational and 1 reserve well were chosen, equipped with Calpeda pumps. Chemical analysis indicates the need for iron removal from the water. The project includes the construction of a water treatment plant. Pressure filters are installed for iron removal, and for bacteriological safety, mercury-quartz bactericidal lamps are used. Six operational lamps and one reserve lamp with a bactericidal flow of 4 watts were chosen for installation. The purified and disinfected water enters rectangular reinforced concrete clean water reservoirs, where it accumulates and is stored. It is then pumped by pumps in the second lift pumping station, consisting of 5 pumps - 3 NG 5/22 pumps (2 operational, 1 reserve for household-drinking and communal use) and 2 firefighting pumps of NM 50/20 brand (1 operational, 1 reserve) - into the village’s water supply network. The research also includes a literature review and analysis of models for constructing hydrographs of stormwater runoff. Three models - normative, linear, and radial - were described in detail, and their comparative analysis was conducted. The comparative analysis suggests that the radial concentration model of surface runoff provides a significantly higher calculated flow rate of drainage water in the control section compared to the linear or normative models. Additionally, local estimates were prepared for general construction work as per the task from the department of economics, management, investments, and real estate. Study object is the water supply system of the village of Berizka. Scope of research is the reliable operation of the combined economic-drinking industrial-fire-fighting ring water supply system of the village of Berizka. Goal of research: to design a combined drinking and industrial-fire fighting ring water supply system of the village of Berizka, including an underground water intake, a drinking water treatment plant and external networks. Conduct a literature review and analyze models for constructing hydrographs of stormwater runoff. Briefly put research results: A combined drinking and industrial-fire-fighting ring water supply system for the village of Berizka was designed. Analysis of drinking water consumption The designed underground water intake A drinking water treatment plant has been designed. Literature review and analyze models for constructing hydrographs of stormwater runoff Key words: water supply system, water consumption, water supply sources, pump, stormwater runoff, hydrograph. References. 1. DBN V.2.5-74:2013 Vodopostachannya. Zovnishni merezhi ta sporudy. Osnovni polozhennya proektuvannya. 2. Zapol’skiy A.K. Vodopostachannya, vodovidvedennya ta yakist vody. – K.: Vyshcha shkola, 2005. 3. Kravchenko V.S. Vodopostachannya ta kanalizatsiya / V.S. Kravchenko. – K.: Kondor, 2003. – 288 s. 4. https://ourworldindata.org/water-use-stress#freshwater-use-by-region 5. DSTU 8691:2016. Nastanovi shchodo vstanovlennya tekhnologichnykh normatyviv vidvedennya doshchovykh stichnykh vod u vodni ob’yekty [Chynnyi vid 31.10.2016] 6. Steinhardt Hydroself. Gate flushing system / Taunusstein: Steinhardt GmbH, 2005. – 2 p. 7. Combined sewer regulation and management / A manual of practice // American Public Work Association ? Water pollution control research series. ? 11022 DMU 08/70. ? US Department of Interior, Federal Water Quality Administration. ? 1970. ? 134 p. 8. Design and construction of urban stormwater management systems. Manual of practice No. 77, Amer. Soc. Of Civil Engineers. – 1992. 9. Guo J.C.Y. Storm-water predictions by dimensionless unit hydrograph // ASCE J. of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering. – 2006. ? Vol. 132, N 4.