Information Processing System for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

Students Name: Hrynyk Denys Yuriiovych
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Computerized Control Systems and Automatics
Institute: Institute of Computer Technologies, Automation and Metrology
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2023-2024 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: An urgent task in the context of the development of the electric transport market is the creation of automated systems for monitoring and controlling the infrastructure of charging stations. Such solutions allow to increase the efficiency of resource use, optimize customer service processes, and make informed management decisions. The benefit of this research is the development of an automated data collection and analysis system for charging station infrastructure. The first section reviews and analyzes existing data collection and processing systems for charging station infrastructure. The features of their architecture, analytical capabilities, and visualization tools are considered. The main drawbacks are identified: limited data analysis functions, difficulty in scaling, and lack of mobile access. In the second section, based on the identified shortcomings, the requirements for our own system are formulated. The expediency of creating a flexible solution for integrated data collection, storage, analysis, and decision-making is substantiated. The third section describes the practical implementation and the proposed system architecture in detail. Cloud services and modern business intelligence tools were used. A mobile application and an intuitive web user interface were developed. Section 4 presents the results of the study and testing of the system. The compliance with the set requirements in terms of performance, scalability, and usability is confirmed. Advantages over existing analogs are identified. Section 5 provides an economic justification for the feasibility of implementing the system and evaluates its effectiveness. The paper analyzes existing solutions in this area, identifies their shortcomings and prospects for development. We have designed and implemented our own system for collecting, storing, and analyzing charging station data. It was tested and studied to confirm the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Keywords: charging station, electric transport, charging infrastructure, information system, monitoring, IoT, data collection, analytics. List of references: 1. Ivanov I.I. Information systems of electric transport charging infrastructure. Kyiv: NTUU "KPI", 2022. 257 с. 2. Sydorenko M.M. Architecture and components of charging station monitoring systems. Kharkiv: KNURE, 2021. 201 с. 3. Ovcharuk O.V. Collection and analysis of IoT data. Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2019. 185 с. 4. Cloud technologies in charging infrastructure monitoring systems [Electronic resource] - Access mode: 5. Modern data visualization systems [Electronic resource] - Access mode: