Development of the concept of a personal website of a scientific and pedagogical employee of the department of social communications and information activities
Students Name: Olkhovets Anna Oleksandrivna
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Information, Library and Archival Science
Institute: Institute of the Humanities and Social Sciences
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2023-2024 н.р.
Language of Defence: англійська
Abstract: The rapid development of information technology has affected all spheres of life, so modern reality requires not only high professional competencies but also a presence on the Internet. Kolomiiets I. believes that creating a personal website is one of the ways to communicate with students and is also a reflection of the teacher’s innovation [4]. Researcher Khomyshak O. considers blogging to be a modern technology. Since a teacher’s blog serves as a modern tool for building professional and methodological competencies of not only students but also teachers [3]. The education system is regulated by a number of legal acts, including laws, rules, regulations and orders. The Law of Ukraine «On Scientific and Scientific-Technical Activities» establishes the basic principles of the work and growth of the scientific and technical sphere in Ukraine [5]. It is aimed at providing favorable conditions for scientific work and meeting the needs of society or the state during technological development. Kadlubovych T., Cherniak D., Lavriychuk V. believe that the reputation of higher education institutions depends on a large number of indicators, one of which is the branding correctly formed by research and teaching staff [2]. It is extremely important to analyze not only the national experience of representation of academic staff on the Internet, but also the international one. Teacher Toolkit is a popular website among educators created by British teacher Ross McGill. To date, it has been read by more than 18 million people [6]. Another equally popular website is The CoolCat Teacher Blog, run and published by well-known educational activist and teacher Vicki Davis. Her blog aims to provide teachers with innovative ideas, useful resources and teaching methods to improve the learning process [1]. In the modern educational environment, the role of the teacher is crucial for the successful functioning of higher education institutions. Therefore, we analyzed the channels of representation of the lecturer of the Department of SKID - Dumansky N.O., and found out what advantages and disadvantages they have. After that, it was decided that it would be advisable to create a personal website for the teacher, which would contain all the necessary information for students and teachers. We also analyzed the department’s and university’s regulations in order to understand what requirements the content on the site should meet. To better understand how to implement a personal website, what data it will contain, and how it will function, three models were developed: goal tree, ERD, and DFD. Next, we analyzed popular CMSs and chose WordPress for the project. Using the capabilities of WordPress and additional plugins, the concept of a personal website for a research and teaching staff member was created. Also, advice was given on the implementation of the information resource in social processes, as well as the threats that may arise. Study object – existing channels of representation of academic staff. Scope of research presentation of the research and teaching staff on the Internet through a personal website. Goal of research: to develop the concept of a personal website for a research and teaching staff member, which will become a key channel for presenting research activities, as well as provide an opportunity to publish various educational materials and maintain an educational blog. Briefly put research results. A personal website of a scientific and pedagogical worker has been developed, which provides an opportunity to get acquainted with academic disciplines and learn more about the scientific activities of the teacher.