Use of 3D graphics in the design of interactive web pages

Students Name: Petrovych Mariia Bohdanivna
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Design
Institute: Institute of Architecture and Design
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2023-2024 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: Contemporary web development is continually evolving, introducing innovations to enhance user experience. Technological progress has led to the emergence of new communicative concepts and design innovations [1]. It is well known that web pages with interactive elements significantly improve information perception and enable closer interaction with the reader, as they involve the ability of content to respond to user actions [2]. The synergy of text, images, and sound in interactive virtual environments, facilitated by multimedia technologies, has become an effective tool for informational, educational, and entertainment purposes, posing new challenges for designers. To achieve a qualitative multimedia impact, it is crucial to apply a comprehensive approach, considering scenarios and understanding the technical aspects of the project beyond visual-aesthetic and functional approaches [3]. Conscious of the emotional impact on users and applying Gestalt principles in their projects [4], designers can analyze and utilize interactivity to provide dynamic content tailored to the target audience. Knowing the advantages of using specific graphic design styles is important for creating successful solutions [5]. One of the promising technologies is the use of three-dimensional (3D) graphics in the design of interactive web pages. Study object - Design of interactive web pages. Scope of research - Use of 3D graphics in the design of interactive web pages. Goal of research: To contribute to the body of knowledge on the topic of 3D graphics in web design. To study artistic and technological aspects of graphics usage in the design of interactive websites. To identify the impact of 3D graphics on user interaction (UX) and user interface design (UI). To analyze the potential consequences for the effectiveness and attractiveness of user interaction on interactive web pages. To justify the relevance of its use in creating a successful brand visual image. This master’s thesis explores examples and methods of integrating 3D graphics into web interfaces to achieve improved visual perception and increased user engagement. The research includes an analysis of current scientific literature highlighting essential concepts, such as the flow concept, the impact of interactivity on website perception, the role of three-dimensional graphics, and animation in web page design. Theoretical aspects of creating interactive interface design for web pages using 3D graphics are examined, including the concept of the five dimensions of interactive design: 1D – words, 2D – visual representations, 3D – physical objects or space, 4D – time, and 5D – behavior. It has been established that the interaction of graphics with users is crucial, as it is not only about creating an aesthetic impression for visitors but also serves the function of directing clients through the interface. Thus, the success of graphics on a web page is determined by considering four key criteria: sender image, functionality, genre, and target audience. The study also analyzes existing examples of using 3D graphics on websites to provide more dynamism and aesthetic appeal to information. Various uses of 3D graphics are identified, including 3D modeling and animation, three-dimensional icons and illustrations, 3D maps and spatial navigation, and 3D effects and transitions. Based on this, a classification of forms of using such graphics on interactive web pages is derived. The research also covers an analysis of current trends in the use of 3D graphics in web design, examining artistic principles, technological aspects, and the methodology of implementing three-dimensional visual effects. In this context, the work also explores the impact of using 3D graphics on the performance of web pages and assesses user reactions to innovative design solutions. It is revealed that the use of 3D graphics in the design of interfaces for interactive web pages has numerous advantages, encompassing both aesthetic and functional improvements. This revolutionizes the way users interact with digital content. Based on the results of the research, a project for the design of an interactive web page using 3D graphics for a brand of soft modular children’s furniture has been developed. Keywords: 3D graphics, interactive web page, web design, animation, interaction design. References: 1. Mel’nyk O., Shtets V. (2019). Communicative concepts and technological innovations in the design of modern posters. Culture and Modernity, 1, 75-80. [in Ukrainian]. doi: 2. Mel’nyk O., Shtets V., Rakochyi Ya. (2020). Interactivity in the design of a news website. Actual Issues of Humanities Sciences: Interuniversity Collection of Scientific Papers of Young Scientists of Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University, 35(3), 45-50. [in Ukrainian]. doi: 3. Mel’nyk O., Shtets V. (2020). Features of multimedia design presentation for a virtual art environment. Kultura і suchasnist : almanakh, 2, 123-127 [in Ukrainian]. URI: 4. Kurtianyk I., Halyshych R. (2021). Features of applying Gestalt principles in web design. Modern Movement of Science: Theses of the XIII International Scientific-Practical Internet Conference, October 18-19, 2021, Dnipro, Ukraine, 152-154. [in Ukrainian]. URI: 5. Kryvokulska K., Proskuriakov O. (2022). The use of minimalist principles in graphic design. Bulletin of Lviv National Academy of Arts, 48, 132–141. [in Ukrainian]. URI: