Development and research of a system of integrated real-time weather forecast monitoring
Students Name: Kundys Serhii Vitaliiovych
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Information Technology Design
Institute: Institute of Computer Science and Information Technologies
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2023-2024 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: Kundys S.V., Kernytskyi A.B. (supervisor). Development of a software system of integrated weather forecasts monitoring in real time. Master’s qualification work. - Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, 2023. This master’s thesis was devoted to the development of a client-server system [1] for integrated monitoring of weather forecasts in real time. This system consists of a client side represented by a web application, the main technology of which is the Vue.js framework, the JavaScript programming language, as well as the modules necessary to implement the intended functionality. In addition, there is also a server side, which is implemented on the Node.JS platform, as well as a MySQL database. In this qualifying master’s thesis, the process of creating a software client-server system with the integration of the latest technologies, which will be relevant for a long time, was described step by step. These technologies are easy to maintain in the future. In addition, the approaches to the development of this type of software are described, as well as the explanation of the reason why the preference was given to this particular stack of web technologies. In the first part of the work, a study of the influence of weather on the spheres of human functioning was carried out, namely why the weather has a significant impact on the life of modern society and various industries, including agriculture, transport, tourism, energy. The purpose, task, object and subject of research, as well as their methods, were also investigated. In the second section of this master’s qualification thesis, an analysis of modern weather forecast monitoring technologies [2] was carried out, namely, an overview of meteorological providers, their API interfaces, and the characteristics of these providers were determined by determining their advantages and disadvantages. The requirements for this real-time weather forecast monitoring system were also determined, and a technology stack was selected that successfully composes the development of this software system. In the third section, the design of the software system for monitoring weather forecasts was carried out, namely, the main modules of the system’s functioning were determined, the system architecture was developed, and databases were designed for saving the received weather data. In addition, the process of working with the API of meteorological providers was described in detail. A description of the user interface development process is also provided. The subject of research in this paper is the influence of weather conditions on the functioning of various spheres of human activity [3], as well as the possibility of the influence of weather forecasts on improving the processes of enterprises that directly depend on the state of the environment. The purpose of this master’s thesis is to develop and implement a web application for monitoring weather forecasts in real time, which is able to integrate data from various meteorological providers, display them in a convenient way to the user, and also provide integrated weather data using algorithms to improve the accuracy of forecasts for a certain location. The result of the research and implementation of this software system is an implemented client-server weather monitoring system that allows users to receive up- to-date meteorological data from various providers, as well as a forecast based on all currently available information about weather forecasts from integrated providers, using special algorithms for determining optimal forecast. This software system was also tested using the Lighthouse tool, as a result of which the client web application successfully passed all the necessary checks for optimization and performance. Keywords: client web application, server, software system, monitoring, meteorological provider, weather forecast. References: 1. Bharat S. Rawal et al. (2012). “Split protocol client/server architecture”, IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, pp. 348–353, doi: 10.1109/ISCC.2012.6249320.