Version control information system project for musical collaborations

Students Name: Pankiv Ihor Vasylovych
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: IT Project Management
Institute: Institute of Computer Science and Information Technologies
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2023-2024 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: This thesis is dedicated to the development and analysis of a version control information system for musical collaborations. In the modern music world, where creativity often takes place in virtual spaces and requires collaboration with numerous artists, an effective version control tool becomes crucial for successful teamwork. The work addresses the challenges of existing systems in the context of the musical creative process and proposes a new approach to artist interaction in the digital environment. Objective: The main objective of the research is the development and implementation of an information system specially adapted for musical collaborations, taking into account the unique requirements of this process. The work aims to create a convenient toolkit designed to facilitate collaborative work on musical projects, provide efficient version control, and foster effective communication among participants. Methodology: The research is based on the analysis of existing version control solutions, studying user requirements in the music industry, and developing a system based on advanced technologies, particularly T3 Stack and MongoDB. The application of agile development methods facilitated the step-by-step improvement of the system throughout the research. Results: The obtained results include the development of an information system that provides version control for musical collaborations and considers the peculiarities of the creative process. The system is characterized by a user-friendly interface, the ability to collaborate on audio and multimedia components, and an effective commenting system for exchanging ideas among participants. Practical Application: The developed system can find broad application among musicians, producers, and other participants in the music industry. Its implementation will contribute to improving the collaborative creative process, increasing productivity, and fostering the development of an online community of music creators. Conclusions: The research results confirm the relevance and necessity of developing a specialized tool for musical collaborations. The developed system, which takes into account the specifics of the musical creative process, represents a step towards enhancing the toolkit for collaborative creativity in the era of the digital transformation of the music industry. Research Object: The object of the research is an information system for version control in musical collaborations. This system provides infrastructure for musicians and artists working on music projects remotely. The platform includes a range of functionalities aimed at easing collaborative work on musical pieces, from project creation and version upload to song lyrics exchange and participant interaction. Research Focus: The research aims to analyze the use of technologies, study the architecture of the database, and identify features of project execution tracking on the platform. The goal is to develop and enhance an information system for version control, adapted to the needs of musical collaborations. Research Subject: The means and methods applied for version control in musical projects are the subject of the research. The study focuses on examining the functional and technical aspects of this system, exploring its capabilities in the field of musicians’ and artists’ collaborative work. Keywords - version control system, musical collaborations, information system.