The project of the oil paint production line with a productivity of 2 kg/s

Students Name: Popyk Roman Yaroslavovych
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Processes and Equipment of Chemical Plants
Institute: Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2023-2024 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: This Master’s thesis is focused on the examination and analysis of oil paint production processes, comprising a thorough analysis of manufacturing schemes. The process of dispersion in a bead mill is underlined as a critical element. The research outcomes highlight the bead mill’s pivotal role in achieving the required dispersion and texture of oil paints. The study also encompasses an in-depth design of an enhanced, energy-efficient bead mill projected to boost the quality and efficiency of oil paint manufacturing. Furthermore, the investigations and planning executed in this thesis provide avenues for ameliorating the production technology of oil paints and iron oxide pigments. Such improvements can have practical implications for enhancing the competitiveness and the quality of output in the chemical industry. The thesis spans 75 pages, includes 12 figures, and contains 8 tables. The bibliography features 19 sources.