Rationale for increasing the level of industrial safety at INVESTMAN LLC

Students Name: Zubyk Vasyl Bohdanovych
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Industrial and Occupational Safety
Institute: Viacheslav Chornovil Institute of Sustainable Development
Mode of Study: part
Academic Year: 2023-2024 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: Zubyk V.B., Bolibrukh B.V. (supervisor of scientific work). "Justification for increasing the level of industrial safety at INVESTMAN LLC» The master’s qualification work on the specialty 263 "Civil Security" consists of a text part containing 6 sections, a list of used literary sources, and a graphic part. The object of research is the technological process of storage and processing of petroleum products. The subject of the study is the factors affecting industrial safety during the liquidation of emergencies (fires). In this work, the main dangers of the impact on industrial safety of factors of extreme working conditions and engineering and technical solutions to minimize the consequences of emergencies were analyzed. An analysis of the potential dangers of the enterprise and its structure was carried out. The dangerous factors of the technological process and substances circulating in the technological process were analyzed. Calculations were made to predict the formation of fire-explosive concentrations in tank parks and technological equipment. Engineering and technical solutions that will help to increase the level of industrial safety at the facility during the liquidation of an emergency situation are given and their economic efficiency is substantiated. Key words: dangerous and harmful factors, industrial safety, emergency situation, personal protective equipment, labor.