Psychological features of experiencing domestic violence by a person
Students Name: Pinchuk Yaroslava Mykolaivna
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Psychology
Institute: Institute of Jurisprudence, Psychology and Innovative Education
Mode of Study: part
Academic Year: 2023-2024 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: The master’s thesis is a theoretical and empirical study of the individual psychological characteristics of individuals exposed to abusive relationships. Domestic violence ("abusive relationships") is defined as relationships that involve physical, sexual, reproductive, economic, material or psychological violence. Abuse is seen as a cruel or violent attitude that is expressed in violation of personal boundaries of another person, humiliation, various cruelties in communication and actions aimed at "suppressing" the victim. The following types of victims were identified in the sample of respondents with experience of domestic violence using the Victimisation Test: 56.7 per cent have the type of sacrificial love, 10 per cent - sacrifice as punishment of others, 3 per cent - sacrifice as punishment of themselves, 17 per cent have a mixed type of sacrifice, and 13 per cent - the type of role victim. Using the FPI methodology, correlations with personality factors were found for each type of victimhood. The results of the Measurement of Maladaptive Forms of Guilt technique showed that respondents experience negative expectations of a potential partner, loss of trust, feelings of self-blame, and guilt. The results of the study of the experience of abusive relationships through narrative revealed that the main focus of the experience of domestic violence is on the cognitive component, the image of the partner, guilt, regret for lost opportunities, a sense of "lost self", often with self-loathing, self-loathing and regret for their actions and choices. Studies of people with signs of abusive behaviour using N. Hall’s Emotional Intelligence methodology have shown that 85% of respondents have a low level of emotion management, 75% have a low level of emotional awareness, and 60% of respondents have a low level of empathy. The qualitative analysis revealed that, according to the Bass-Darkey Aggression Questionnaire, the most abusive indicators of aggression are indirect aggression, verbal aggression, irritability, and suspicion. The paper makes a selection of recommendations for the prevention of abusive relationships aimed at developing skills of self-knowledge, self-awareness and recommendations for harmonising relationships. Keywords: victim, aggressor, abuser, abusive relationship, sacrifice, domestic violence, partnership.