Peculiarities of establishing red lines in the uzbon cadastre
Students Name: Burban Maksym Serhiiovych
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Land Management and Cadastre
Institute: Institute of Geodesy
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2024-2025 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: This study presents the regulatory, legal and methodological support of urban planning activities and the peculiarities of establishing red lines in the urban planning cadastre. A study of the red lines has been conducted and its results are presented. A textual description of the detailed plan of the territory is given, and the graphic part is analysed. The object of the study is a detailed plan of the territory for the arrangement of the Weinberg Park complex on Rodyny Markevychi Street in Vynnyky. The subject of the study is the establishment of red lines in accordance with urban planning documentation. The purpose of the study - the master’s thesis was carried out to analyse the peculiarities of establishing red lines in the urban planning cadastre Research results The legal framework for urban planning is represented by a number of legislative acts regulating various aspects of urban planning and land use. The key goal of the legal framework is to ensure efficient, rational and orderly use of land resources, support sustainable development of settlements and protect the rights of citizens in the field of land use and urban planning. The master’s qualification work analyses the detailed territory plan for the Weinberg Park park complex on Rodiny Markevycha Street in Vynnyky. The land plot belongs to the category of land for the main purpose - for the construction and maintenance of recreational facilities, the form of ownership - communal, the area is 1.7864 hectares. The detailed plan of the territory, which is a comprehensive urban planning document that defines planning restrictions and improvements of the territory, was analysed. It can be said that a detailed territory plan consists of materials containing textual and graphic materials. .(The law, 11.02.2011). The textual materials are interconnected and form a coherent document that ensures sustainable development of the territory and meets the needs of local authorities and the needs of the population. A detailed plan of the territory is a document that establishes decisions on the use of the area, location of urban development objects and provision of urban development conditions and restrictions. (The law, 1992). Successful implementation of the decisions of the detailed territory plan depends on a comprehensive consideration of all factors and conditions of the territory development, as well as on the quality of the research and validity of the design decisions. The peculiarities of setting red lines were investigated. Red lines are established to separate residential streets, roads, squares, embankments, and boulevards from areas intended for construction and other uses. They are determined in accordance with DBN B.2.2-12:2019 ‘Planning and Development of Territories’ and DBN B.2.3-5:2018 ‘Streets and Roads of Settlements’. Red lines are established based on the classification of the street and road network, estimated traffic and pedestrian intensity, categories of streets and roads, traffic safety requirements, location of underground and above-ground utility networks, and green spaces. .(The law, 2002). The width of streets within the red lines is 50-80 m for main streets of citywide significance, 40-50 m for main streets of district significance, 15-35 m for residential streets, and 10-15 m for driveways. .(The law, 1999). Cross sections of streets are designed to show all elements of the street within the red lines. The main elements of the cross-sectional profile are the carriageway (number and width of traffic lanes), sidewalks (width according to the intensity of pedestrian traffic), dividing strips (between carriageways and for separation from sidewalks), bicycle paths, and landscaping strips.(The law, 2010). Keywords - urban planning documentation, red lines, detailed territory plan, graphic materials, planning and spatial organisation of the territory. List of used literary sources The Constitution of Ukraine of 28.06.1996 / Bulletin of the Verkhovna Rada, 1996, No. 30, p. 141. The Land Code of Ukraine of 25.01.2002 / Bulletin of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 2002. The Law of Ukraine ‘On Land Management’: of 22 May 2003, No. 858-IV. Bulletin of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (VVR), (36), 282. Law of Ukraine ‘On the Principles of Urban Development’ of 16.11.1992, No. 2780-XII / Vidomosti Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrayiny, 1992, No. 52, p. 683. The Law of Ukraine ‘On Regulation of Urban Development’ of 17.02.2011 No. 3038-VI / Journal of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 2011, No. 34, p. 343, Article 4. The Law of Ukraine ‘On the General Scheme of Planning of the Territory of Ukraine’ of 07.02.2002 No. 3059-III / Journal of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 2002, No. 30, p. 204. The Law of Ukraine ‘On Construction Norms’ of 05.11.2009, No. 1704-VI / Bulletin of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 2010, No. 5, p. 41. Law of Ukraine ‘On Architectural Activity’ of 20.05.1999 No. 687-XIV / Journal of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 1999, No. 31, p. 246. The Law of Ukraine on the State Land Cadastre of 07.07.2011, No. 3613-VI / Vidomosti