Project of a Cloud-Based CRM System

Students Name: Marchenko Oleksandr Oleksandrovych
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: IT Project Management
Institute: Institute of Computer Science and Information Technologies
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2024-2025 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: Relevance of the topic. The world today has transitioned to a new stage of life, where information plays the main role, along with an economy built upon it. Modern societal development is closely connected with the need to collect, process, and transmit vast amounts of data, transforming information into a commodity, often of considerable value. This shift has led to a global transition from an industrial society to an information society. The emergence of the Internet has triggered massive growth in international communication across various areas of human life. Information is one of the most valuable resources in society, alongside traditional material resources such as oil, metals, and minerals. Thus, the process of information processing can be viewed as a technology similar to the processing of material resources. Modern information technologies have become one of the most profitable and rapidly growing sectors of the economy. Information has become an important production and commercial resource, as the development of the global economy in recent years has been significantly influenced by information and communication technologies, which are widely used in all spheres of human activity. A large part of GDP is provided by activities related to the production, processing, storage, and dissemination of information and knowledge. Information technologies have quickly transformed into a vital stimulus for the development not only of the global economy but also of other areas of human activity. Today, it is practically impossible to find a field where they are not used: the IT industry broadens people’s horizons, enables more efficient use of resources, and provides entertainment. They have also become widely applied in the service sector, a logical continuation of informatization. For more complete and better management of the information obtained when working with clients, customer relationship management (CRM) systems are used, most of which are aimed at studying the market and specific customer needs. Additionally, the issue of constant access to such a system is still relevant, not only from a personal computer but also from portable devices (smartphones, tablets), as the modern pace of life does not always allow for access to a computer. The goal of the master’s qualification work is to create a customer relationship management system for the service sector. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set in the work: Conduct an analytical review of current literature and scientific sources on the topic of the master’s qualification work; Analyze the problem and substantiate the possibilities for its solution; Based on the problem analysis, formulate a list of requirements and limitations for the designed system and determine the scope of the project; Develop a detailed project plan, define the project’s work breakdown structure (WBS), and conduct risk analysis; Describe and implement the project task, monitor the quality of project execution; Present the project results. The object of research is the process of project development for a customer relationship management system. The subject of research is the process of creating a customer relationship management system using cloud computing. Practical significance of the obtained results. The results of the master’s qualification work can be used in the design and development of customer relationship systems for various types of activities and in gathering various types of statistics for use in subsequent projects. Structure of the work. The master’s qualification work consists of an introduction, six chapters in the main body, conclusions, a list of references, an abstract, and appendices.