Influence of social roles of the manager on the mechanisms of management of the sanatorium complex
Students Name: Loboda Maryna
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Management of social sphere institutions
Institute: Institute of the Humanities and Social Sciences
Mode of Study: part
Academic Year: 2024-2025 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: A modern Ukrainian manager of a sanatorium-resort complex must be a professional doctor, a manager, an economist, and in sanatorium-resort institutions, also a specialist in social work, occupational therapy, and cultural and recreational activities. The issues of psychological regulation of managerial activity can be considered based on the well-known research of scholars such as Svidruk, I., Topolenko, O. O., Kovalchuk, O. S., Miloradova, N., & Pashko, N.The aim of this paper is to determine the necessary and sufficient ratio of the components of the doctor’s role and the manager’s role in the activities of the head of a sanatorium-resort institution and to develop recommendations for its optimization. Tasks: 1. Determine the socio-economic status of the sanatorium-resort complex (SRC) under modern conditions. 2. Conduct a comparative analysis of the influence of medicine and business on the development of the SRC using examples from sanatoriums in Truskavets, clarifying the concepts of medicine and business in the context of the current transformation of the sanatorium-resort complex. 3. Identify the characteristics of the professional status of the manager of the sanatorium-resort complex as a doctor and manager. 4. Based on empirical research materials to understand the needs of consumers of sanatorium-resort services in performing their medical and managerial functions, characterize the peculiarities of the perception of the resort environment and the activities of the manager by clients and staff of the sanatorium. 5. Based on the conducted research, propose a model of the social role of the manager of the sanatorium-resort institution optimized for the current situation. 6. Develop proposals for professional development programs for managers of sanatorium-resort institutions and strategies for forming ethical norms and standards in the management of sanatorium-resort complexes. Object of Research:The sanatorium-resort complex as a social system functioning within the framework of management activities. Subject of Research:Social roles of the manager and their impact on management mechanisms, decision-making processes, and interaction with personnel in the sanatorium-resort complex. In the first chapter of the work, current trends and management aspects influencing the development of the sanatorium-resort complex under modern conditions are analyzed. This chapter emphasizes the importance of a comprehensive approach to management that integrates medical, economic, and social factors to enhance the competitiveness of the sanatorium-resort complex. The second chapter explores the social role and professional competencies of the manager of the sanatorium-resort complex, focusing on the importance of these aspects for effective management. Ultimately, the chapter demonstrates that professional competencies and the social role of the manager are critically important for increasing the competitiveness of sanatorium-resort institutions and ensuring high service standards. The third chapter examines strategies for developing the social roles of the manager of the sanatorium-resort complex, focusing on assessment, professional development, and ethical management standards. By integrating these aspects, the chapter highlights the importance of a comprehensive approach to developing managerial competencies and ethics, which in turn contributes to enhancing the effectiveness of management and the quality of services in the field of sanatorium-resort treatment. Keywords: sanatorium-resort complex; social roles; managerial competencies; competency profile; professional development; professional ethics. List of References Bilousova, N. A. (2019). Acmeological approach to professional training of medical representatives in domestic pharmaceutical companies. Educational Space of Ukraine, (15), 66-72. Vozyna, D. V. (2024). Resort business in Ukraine. Tourism and recreation sphere: modern challenges, 52. Hohunska, O. A. (2023). Post-war development of the resort-recreational sphere. Recommended for publication by the Academic Council of the National University "Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic" (Protocol No. 3 dated 06.11.2023), 40.