Social and psychological aspects of management in social sphere institutions (on the example of Stryi branch of Lviv regional employment center)

Students Name: Prytula Ruslana
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Management of social sphere institutions
Institute: Institute of the Humanities and Social Sciences
Mode of Study: part
Academic Year: 2024-2025 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: Social and psychological aspects of personnel management are effective tools that contribute to improving the moral climate, employee motivation, and work efficiency. Ukrainian scholars interpret socio-psychological management methods differently. V. Petiukh defines them as a set of specific techniques influencing interpersonal relationships within the work collective and the system of national social processes functioning among employees [2]. O. Shubalii views them as a collection of techniques and tools for social and psychological influence on the workforce as a whole and on individuals to enhance their labor and creative activity in the context of the national business environment [5]. L. Zaliubinska enriches the definitions by emphasizing processuality, describing these methods as a set of specific means of influencing interpersonal relationships and interactions among employees in an organization’s work collective and on the social processes within [1]. Socio-psychological methods of personnel management rely on theories ensuring their effectiveness: behavioral theories, personality theories, and communication theories [3]. The primary goal of these methods is to develop social connections within the team, improve group dynamics, and create conditions for employee self-realization, which boosts productivity and job satisfaction [4]. • Research object: Personnel management processes in social sector organizations. • Research subject: The impact of socio-psychological management methods in social sector institutions on employee performance. • Objective of the master’s research: Based on the study of theoretical foundations and practical experience in applying socio-psychological personnel management methods in domestic and international organizations, to identify the most effective practices for their application in social sector institutions and to develop recommendations for improving the implementation of progressive practices in personnel management. A study was conducted at the Stryi Branch of the Lviv Regional Employment Center to assess employee satisfaction with the personnel management system. A total of 40 employees participated, responding to 17 questions grouped into three thematic blocks by selecting answers that best reflected their satisfaction with various aspects of personnel management in the branch. Additionally, one open-ended question was included to gather employee suggestions for improving the management system. The study found that the use of socio-psychological management methods significantly enhances employee performance by fostering a favorable moral and psychological climate and increasing motivation. Keywords: personnel, personnel management, management theory, socio-psychological management methods, management efficiency. Listofusedliterarysources. 1. Zaliubinska, L. M., &Skoryk, M. L. (2016). Personnel Management: Textbook. Odesa: ONU. 2. Petiukh, V. M. (2000). Personnel Management: A Study Guide for Independent Study of the Discipline.Kyiv: KNEU. 3. Pryshchak, M. D., &Lesko, O. Y. (2016). Psychology of Management in Organizations: Study Guide.Vinnytsia: VNTU. 4. Chkheailo, A. A., &Tkachenko, I. A. (2020). Analysis of Modern Socio-Psychological Personnel Management Methods. SocialEconomics, 60, 203–213. DOI: 10.26565/2524-2547-2020-60-19. 5. Shubalii, O. M., Rudi, N. T., Gordiiuk, A. I., Shubala, I. V., Dziamulych, M. I., Potiomkina, O. V., &Sereda, O. V. (2018). PersonnelManagement.Lutsk: IVV LutskNationalTechnicalUniversity.