Substantiation of the parameters of the production and technical facilities of motor car service stations using probability theory
Students Name: Domanskyi Andrii Ihorovych
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Motor Vehicle Transport
Institute: Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Transport
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2024-2025 н.р.
Language of Defence: англійська
Abstract: The introduction substantiates the relevance of the topic, establishes the connection of work with scientific programs, plans and themes, formulates the purpose and defines the main objectives of the research, describes the object, subject and methods of research, discloses the essence of scientific novelty and the practical significance of the results of the research. The first chapter deals with the current state of the production structures for servicing and repairing cars and the trends in their development. As a result of changes in road transport, the existing structure of maintenance and repair of rolling stock at the present stage does not meet the requirements for effective and safe operation of vehicles and requires significant capital and operating costs. It causes for the development of fundamentally new approaches to the formation and development of the industrial infrastructure of motor transport, including the formation of the structure of production units for maintenance (MOT) and repair of rolling stock of car service stations. In order to ensure competitiveness in the market of transport services, the structure of production units of enterprises should be different for car service stations of small, medium and high capacity and determined by the volume of maintenance and repair of cars. The second section components and interrelationship of factors affecting the functioning of car service stations are clarified. It was established that at the initial stage of operation of car service stations, the most important factor is the demand for car service services by car owners. The mathematical model of processes of maintenance and repair of cars is developed that gives the opportunity to take into account the specifics of management of specialization of posts of maintenance and repair. Random changes in the factors affecting the parameters studied determined the choice of the research method, namely the main provisions of the sampling method of research and the assessment of the accuracy of the results obtained. A new generalized model of vehicle maintenance and repair process for a vehicle care enterprise is suggested. The model regards a wide range of factors of modern enterprise as an automobile transport unit. The task is solved by applying mathematical models of the theory of reliability and queuing. Vehicle care enterprise is viewed as an open queuing system referring to a real-time enterprise. A geometric pattern representing possible states of the vehicle and its possible transitions is suggested to analyze the maintenance of the vehicle as a random process with discrete states. The transition state is discrete, but at random times. The performance of a vehicle in time is viewed as a continuous-time and discrete state system. Resulting from the theory of Markov random processes the method of dynamics of average is applied to characterize the functioning of a group of vehicles. Being aware of possible performance of a vehicle, you can simulate functioning of a group of any number of vehicles. The mathematical apparatus considered in this study can be used both at the initial stage when creating car maintenance stations, and for optimizing the capacity of the car service under various forms of competition. Study object: Production and technical base of a typical service station. Scope of research: the regularity of changes in parameters that determine the size of the production and technical base that is, the optimal number of: posts in maintenance and repair zones, equipment in production departments and storage places in service station warehouses. Goal of research. The purpose of the work is to increase the operational reliability of vehicles through timely maintenance and repair based on statistical data from requests from vehicle owners to a typical service station. Briefly put research results. The laws of labor intensity distribution of daily volumes of maintenance and repair work are substantiated based on statistics of car owners’ requests. Modeling is performed using the theory of mass service systems to substantiate: fixing the queue for maintenance and repair posts, the number of posts for storing units in the service station warehouse, as well as optimal interaction between departments and posts of maintenance and repair units. Keywords: Car, car service station, Poisson flow, theory of queuing systems, distribution laws, maintenance, routine repairs.