Research and directions substantiation for improving the marketing activities at Thermobud Standard Plus Ltd

Students Name: Yashchuk Denys Oleksiiovych
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Marketing
Institute: Institute of Economics and Management
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2024-2025 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: Marketing activity plays a key role in the formation and maintenance of contacts between the enterprise and its consumers. The marketing activity importance lies in the fact that it informs its consumers about goods and services, involves them in interaction and promotes the decision to purchase [1, p. 14]. The formation and development process of marketing activity at the enterprise occurs through its formation [2]. When assessing the enterprise’s marketing activity effectiveness, the peculiarities of the industry affiliation should be taken into account [3]. Marketing activity can fulfill its role provided that the enterprise has created, configured and effectively operates a marketing system [4]. The marketing activities role in the enterprise’s activities increases significantly during a crisis period. This is due to the fact that in such conditions effective marketing activities are necessary that will contribute to maintaining demand for products or services, covering new market niches, updating product policy, changing or expanding areas of activity, etc. [5]. Study object – the marketing activities at Termobud Standard Plus Ltd. Study subject – the theoretical and applied provisions of the marketing activities at Termobud Standard Plus Ltd., in particular, the study and justification for improving directions of its marketing activities. Goal of research: to study the commercial real estate market of Ukraine and the Termobud Standard Plus Ltd. consumers purchasing behavior, on the basis of which to substantiate and develop directions for improving its marketing activities. The research findings: Termobud Standard Plus Ltd. has been operating in the Lviv market since 2012 and until 2018 was engaged in the manufacture of building metal structures and parts of structures, the construction of residential and non-residential buildings. Among the constructed facilities are shopping centers and sports complexes, vegetable storage facilities and prefabricated buildings, car dealerships and service stations, warehouses and production buildings. Since 2018, the company has changed its type of activity and began to lease the Graphite Office office center with a total office premises area of 8,370 m2. The amount of the company’s net profit in 2023 compared to 2022 increased by 4.5 times by 460% (by 5,498.6 thousand UAH). The Termobud Standard Plus Ltd. assets are characterized by stable dynamics, in 2023 the amount of Termobud Standard Plus Ltd. liabilities decreased by 7,335.5 thousand UAH. The commercial real estate market analysis shows a moderate recovery in all areas. Demand for commercial-type objects has begun to grow. There is interest from domestic and foreign investors in acquiring various objects. The general trends in the real estate market in the future will be innovations, sustainable development approaches and adaptability. The consumer survey results conducted by Termobud Standard Plus Ltd. confirmed the general trend of falling demand for large office space due to the introduction of employee work hybrid format, however, demand will be for premises with rational planning and energy-saving technologies. The decisive factor in the choice will be the safety factor and ensuring uninterrupted operation. The responsive logo development for the Graphite Office office center of Termobud Standard Plus Ltd. is due to the need to intensify the company’s activities in the digital environment to increase the recognition level and attract new customers. Despite a responsive logo development, additional printing of company’s promotional materials was proposed, which will be used in marketing communication and sales policy: business cards, T-shirts with logo printing and production of an outdoor illuminated sign for the office center premises. To inform the target audience about the Graphite Office office center. The Google AdWords digital marketing tool was chosen, to help with advertising campaign was set up and launched, in accordance with the company’s defined advertising goals: to increase the transitions number, interactions and filling out the form on the company’s website by potential customers in order to increase sales volumes and brand awareness. In order to actively promote the Graphite Office office center not only in the digital environment (advertising in social networks and on the Internet), but also through traditional channels (outdoor advertising), a comprehensive media plan was developed for a period of 1 month. 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DOI: 10.32702/2307-2105-2020.6.62