Research and substantiation of directions for improving the marketing activities at Alexprom Ltd
Students Name: Lavryk Kateryna Romanivna
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Marketing
Institute: Institute of Economics and Management
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2024-2025 н.р.
Language of Defence: англійська
Abstract: Current marketing trends in Ukraine reflect the response to changes in the external environment and consumer behavior, which causes the transition of business from focusing on production to focusing on creating and transferring value to consumers [1]. Marketers, taking into account the change in business orientation to the consumer, analyze available information, model development scenarios and evaluate their results.They adapt solutions to new factors, combining experience, intuition, and rational analysis to solve non-standard management tasks [2]. In times of crisis, marketing activities become key to maintaining demand, finding new markets, and adapting products to change. They help to modernize strategies and expand activities, ensuring that the company remains competitive [3]. Wartime marketing focuses on maintaining market positions, analyzing changes in consumer and competitor behavior, and developing adapted strategies. Particular attention is paid to the development of new sales channels, the implementation of effective communication solutions, and rapid response to market challenges [4]. The company should combine its own quality improvement solutions with the experience of other companies. Comprehensive implementation of marketing activities improvement in business according to various concepts (product, social and ethical, etc.), in addition to increasing the attractiveness to consumers and expanding sales markets, will increase the competitive position [5]. Study object - marketing activities of the oil refining products market participant Alexprom Ltd,. Scope of research - theoretical and applied provisions of Alexprom Ltd. marketing activities, in particular research and justification of areas for improving its marketing activities. Goal of research: to study the Ukrainian oil refining market and the peculiarities of consumer demand on it, to assess the competitive position of Aleksprom Ltd in the industry and to justify the improvement of the company’s marketing strategy. The research findings. As one of the leading producers and operators of refined products (petrol and naphtha fractions and gas condensate absorbers) in the Dnipro region, the company owns its own oil depot, railway line, gas transshipment complex, a wide vehicle fleet and a staff of over 280 people. A detailed analysis of the company’s marketing complex and a customer survey revealed insufficient communication activity of Aleksprom Ltd, in particular, almost no digital marketing, which is quite important for modern consumers and partners. Given the problems in the market for such products as a result of military operations and the high dynamics of oil prices, it is important to maintain the communication component of marketing activities to maintain the position. The assessment of Aleksprom’s position showed mediocre influences of various forces, but the power of suppliers poses a threat to forecasting production stability, which requires the company to maintain close partnerships with them through effective communication. The company’s leading position in the region is definitely a strong point, but competitors have the potential for growth due to the active use of digital marketing. Accordingly, in order to improve the marketing activities of Aleksprom Ltd, its general goals were developed, as well as the goals of the advertising campaign, for which a media plan was described, including the formation of the style of ads, budget and advertising schedule. The media chosen for the campaign included print industry publications and online portals, search engine advertising and SEO, and targeted advertising on Instagram and Facebook. In addition, the algorithm for setting up search advertising using the Google Ads service was described, as it is an important component of digital marketing to increase brand awareness. Key words: petroleum products market, competitive position, communication activity, digital marketing, search engine advertising, promotion of petroleum products. References. 1. Kubetska O. M., Ostapenko T. M., Fisunenko N. O. Sutnist marketynhu ta yoho suchasni tendentsii. Biznes Inform. 2021. №5. URL: (data zvernennia 22.11.2024). 2. Krasniak O.P Pryiniattia marketynhovykh rishen v systemi upravlinnia pidpryiemstvom. Formuvannia rynkovykh vidnosyn v Ukraini: Zbirnyk naukovykh prats. 2022. №2(249). URL: (data zvernennia 13.11.2024). 3. Bahorka M.O., Kadyrus I.H., Yurchenko N.I. Mistse marketynhovykh zakhodiv u systemi antykryzovoho upravlinnia. Problemy systemnoho pidkhodu v ekonomitsi. 2021. № 4(84). URL: (data zvernennia 03.11.2024). 4. Yarosh-Dmytrenko L.O. Rol marketynhu u povoiennomu vidnovlenni partnerskykh vidnosyn na rynku B2B. Ekonomika ta suspilstvo.2023. №49. URL: (data zvernennia 01.11.2024). 5. Fasolko T., Semianchuk P. Napriamy pokrashchennia marketynhovoi stratehii. Universytetski naukovi zapysky. 2020. Т. 18. № 4(72). URL: (data zvernennia 25.09.2024)