Research and marketing communications improvement at Lviv Construction Company Ltd on the construction products market based on Internet marketing
Students Name: Butchak Roman Vasylovych
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Internet-Marketing
Institute: Institute of Economics and Management
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2024-2025 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: Marketing communications are a key tool in establishing connections between a company and its counterparts, ensuring the transfer of information about products and services [2]. With the development of digital technologies, companies are forced to adapt their strategies, integrating modern approaches into their management systems. As the number of information channels increases, selecting the most effective platforms for communication becomes a crucial task [4]. Integrating such platforms into the overall management system contributes to improving the company’s reputation and enhancing its competitiveness. Thus, marketing communications are now viewed as a multifunctional tool that integrates traditional and digital channels to achieve sustainable business results [5]. The strategic and tactical goals of marketing communications play an important role in achieving the business objectives of a company [1]. Strategic goals shape the overall direction and long-term perspective of communication activities. Tactical goals, in turn, are short-term and aimed at addressing specific tasks, such as stimulating sales, increasing website traffic, or launching new products. The object of study for the master’s qualification work is the marketing communications of LLC "Lviv Construction Company" in the construction materials market. The subject of the study is the theoretical and practical aspects of marketing communications of LLC "Lviv Construction Company." The purpose of the work is to provide theoretical and methodological justification and practical recommendations for improving the marketing communications of LLC "Lviv Construction Company" based on Internet marketing principles. Research Results. The financial performance of LLC "Lviv Construction Company" was analyzed, showing unstable growth dynamics in key indicators such as revenue, profit, and profitability. However, a significant portion of the company’s expenses is allocated to material and technical resources as well as wages, requiring meticulous control to prevent overspending. In terms of marketing, the company focuses on attracting new clients and maintaining the loyalty of existing ones through a combination of online and offline activities. At the same time, certain shortcomings were identified, particularly in the systematic management of customer feedback and the development of video content, which is one of the key trends in modern marketing. The results of the marketing research revealed that 45% of consumers order construction products through online stores, while 30% prefer specialized shops. Most customers are satisfied or very satisfied with the process of purchasing construction products online, although a significant portion remains neutral due to potential shortcomings in service or delivery quality. The key challenges of the market include the need to improve product quality, reduce delivery times, and implement energy-efficient and environmentally friendly materials. The Lviv region demonstrates stable growth in the construction materials sector; however, further development requires consideration of the research findings. Key directions for the application of integrated marketing communications (IMC) at LLC "Lviv Construction Company" have been developed. These include essential aspects such as advertising, social media promotion, participation in exhibitions, personal sales, and the use of CRM systems. Each of these directions contributes to effectively attracting new clients, enhancing the image of LLC "Lviv Construction Company," and increasing its competitiveness in the market. This approach helps the company maintain active communication with various target audiences and optimize marketing processes. An omnichannel sales strategy is the most effective approach for LLC "Lviv Construction Company." Its essence lies in integrating all communication and distribution channels, ensuring a seamless purchasing process even when a client switches from one channel to another. Keywords: marketing communications, integrated marketing communications, construction products, construction materials market, LLC "Lviv Construction Company." Referrens. 1. Bochko O.Yu. Riven’ doviry do elektronnykh marketynhovykh komunikatsii na rynku. Stratehichni priorytety rozvytku vnutrishn’oyi torhivli Ukrayiny na innovatsiynykh zasadakh: materialy mizhnarodnoyi naukovo-praktychnoyi konferentsiyi. Lviv: Vydavnytstvo LTEU, 2017. S. 124–125. 2. Krykavskyi Ye.V., Moroz L.A., Kalynec K.S. Marketynhova polityka komunikatsii: navch. posibn. Lviv: Vydavnytstvo L’vivs’koyi politekhniky, 2022. 136 s. 3. Petryshyna T.O., Nemyrivska O.V., Loshenyuk O.V. 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