The project of a sand drying line for the silicate glass production with a productivity of 300 thousand t/y
Students Name: Luchko Bohdan Volodymyrovych
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Computer Chemical Engineering
Institute: Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2024-2025 н.р.
Language of Defence: англійська
Abstract: The master’s degree thesis consists of a review of literature sources, selection of modeling methods, calculation of the main equipment for the sand drying line, computer modeling of the selected apparatus, economic part, conclusions and a list of sources used. The work analyzes the use of sand in the glass industry, the basic principles of sand drying in a drum dryer, as well as methods of gas purification after drying. CFD modeling methods for cyclone modeling are also analyzed, a k-? RNG model is selected. The drum dryer and cyclone are calculated. In the modeling section, a geometric area of the apparatus is created where cleaning takes place, the calculation area is discretized with a grid, all necessary parameters are set and air cleaning from sand dust is simulated.