Reconstruction of the water supply system in Dubno (45000 inhabitants), Rivne Region
Students Name: Kartashov Oleksandr Stanislavovych
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Water Supply and Sewerage System
Institute: Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Systems
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2024-2025 н.р.
Language of Defence: англійська
Abstract: Master thesis was performed on the basis of the task, state regulations [1–3], as well as reference materials on water supply. A project for the water supply system reconstruction in Dubno (45000 inhabitants), Rivne Region, has been designed. Groundwater, which is taken by means of wells, enters water treatment facilities, where it is deironed on rapid sand filters and disinfected with ultraviolet radiation. The second-lift pumping station supplies water to the water supply ring network of the city Dubno, the hydraulic calculation of which was carried out using [4]. This allowed us to calculate the piezometric pressures along the sections of the water supply lines. A water tower and clean water tanks were selected as regulating capacities. As part of the scientific part of the work, the geometric dimensions of the water tower tank were optimized. Local estimates have been prepared for construction work on the installation of an external water supply network [5] made of polyethylene pipes (option I) and steel electricwelded straight-seam pipes (option II). Study object – water supply system in Dubno, Rivne Region. Scope of research – hydraulic operating mode of the water supply system of the city of Dubno, Rivne region. Goal of research: determining estimated water consumption, diameters of water pipes, calculation of regulating capacities, water intake structures, water treatment structures, pumping stations, preparation of local estimates for construction work on the installation of an external water supply network. Briefly put research results. 1. The estimated water consumption was determined. 2. Groundwater intake structures were designed. 3. Water treatment structures were designed. 4. The water supply network was designed. 5. The hydraulic calculation of the water supply network was carried out. 6. The regulating capacities were designed. 7. The pumping station was designed, the station’s productivity and pump pressure were determined, and the pumps were selected. 8. An assessment of the environmental impacts during the design and construction of the water supply system was carried out. 9. Local estimates were drawn up for construction work on the installation of an external water supply network. Keywords: well, rapid sand filter, water supply network, water tower, water storage tank, water-pumping station. References. 1. DBN V.2.5-74:2013. Vodopostachannia. Zovnishni merezhi ta sporudy. Osnovni polozhennia proektuvannia. – K.: Minrehion Ukrainy, 2013. – 172 s. 2. DBN V.2.5-75:2013. Kanalizatsiia. Zovnishni merezhi ta sporudy. Osnovni polozhennia proektuvannia. – K.: Minrehion Ukrainy, 2013. – 128 s. 3. DBN V.2.5-64:2012. Vnutrishnii vodoprovid ta kanalizatsiia. Ch.І. Proektuvannia. Ch.ІІ. Budivnytstvo. – K.: Minrehion Ukrainy, 2013. – 105 s. 4. Shevelev F.А., Shevelev А.F. Tablitsy dlia hidravlicheskoho raschota vodoprovodnykh trub: Sprav. posobie. – M.: Stroiizdat, 1984. – 116 s. 5. Protsyk S.I. Osnovy ekonomiky system inzhenernoho obladnannia mist: Navchalnyi posibnyk. – K.: NMK VO, 1991. – 312 s.