Study of methods for modifying the number of discrete signal values

Students Name: Havryliv Danylo Yevhenovych
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Informatively-Instrumentation Technologies in Roboticotekhnic
Institute: Institute of Computer Technologies, Automation and Metrology
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2024-2025 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: Changing the number of discrete values of a signal is a task of considerable practical interest in such fields as electronics, communications, radar, and acoustics. Transforming a signal with minimal loss of its shape and frequency characteristics is necessary to ensure the accuracy of subsequent analysis or transmission. Various methods can be used for this, including interpolation algorithms, discrete Fourier transform, and neural networks. This paper analyzes the main methods of changing the number of discrete values of a signal: linear and quadratic interpolation, discrete Fourier transform, and neural networks. Each method was studied using sinusoidal signals with different numbers of discrete values, and the results were compared for maximum and average errors. The study showed that the smallest absolute and cumulative errors were obtained for the method of changing the number of discrete values, built on the basis of a neural network