Research and improvement of the efficiency of the international activity of "OL.V.I." LLC in cooperation with French companies

Students Name: Xie Ping
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: International Business
Institute: Institute of Economics and Management
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2024-2025 н.р.
Language of Defence: англійська
Abstract: For the successful implementation of export-import operations, it is important to clearly define the main categories related to international activity. One of the key concepts is "effectiveness of international activity". Today, every enterprise that is aimed at international markets seeks to ensure the best results of its activities and achieve the expected profit, which is impossible without a clear understanding of the essence of efficiency and the factors that ensure it (Piddubna, L.I. & Gorobinska, M.V.. 2020). The effectiveness of international economic activity is determined by the ability of the enterprise to achieve its goals in international markets, in particular through increasing profits and expanding its share in the global market. Important indicators are the ability to adapt to various economic, political and cultural conditions of different countries. Efficiency also depends on the optimization of logistics, production and management costs, which allows reducing the cost of production. Taking into account changes in the external economic environment, such as currency fluctuations or trade barriers, is an important component of the efficiency strategy. As a result, the efficiency of international economic activity ensures sustainable growth and long-term competitiveness of the enterprise in the world market. The development of Ukrainian-French economic relations is an important factor in ensuring the growth of the enterprise’s efficiency, as it contributes to attracting investments, developing new business opportunities and technological innovations. France, as one of Ukraine’s largest economic partners in Europe, can provide enterprises with access to highly qualified resources, new markets and modern technologies. Joint projects and cooperation in such areas as energy, agro-industry, information technology and engineering open up new opportunities for Ukrainian companies. In addition, the conclusion of bilateral agreements and participation in international exhibitions and forums strengthens the positions of enterprises in the international market. As a result, such economic relations contribute to increasing the competitiveness of enterprises, which has a positive effect on their efficiency. The analysis of the microenvironment was carried out on the example of LLC "OL.VI." The production and economic activity was considered, and an analysis of international activity and its effectiveness was carried out. The object of the study is LLC "OL.VI.". The subject of the study is the effectiveness of the enterprise’s international economic activity in terms of cooperation with French companies. The purpose of this study is to analyze the current state of the international activity of LLC "OL.VI" in the context of cooperation with French companies and develop recommendations for improving the effectiveness of this activity. To achieve this goal, a number of tasks are planned to be solved, in particular, assessing the potential and obstacles in cooperation with French partners, analyzing the textile market, studying the possibilities of optimizing financial and logistical processes, as well as developing a strategy to strengthen the company’s position in the international arena. According to the results of the study, directions for improving the effectiveness of the international economic activity of LLC "OL.VI." were identified. The feasibility of establishing and registering a joint Ukrainian-French brand was substantiated, which would ensure its recognition in the market and the competitiveness of LLC "OL.VI." The feasibility of implementing such an event is confirmed by the growth of the company’s volume indicators, efficiency indicators and its rapid payback. Keywords: international economic activity, brand, Ukrainian-French relations.List of used literary sources. Chaikovska, M.& Hlushchenko, Y. (2023) INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC ACTIVITY: ESSENCE AND PROBLEMS OF INTERPRETATION. Black Sea Economic Studies. №81. Р.43-47. International economic relations and national economic activity: current state, problems and development trends.( 2021) Сollective monograph. Kol. authors Poltava: PP "Astraya". 147 p. Piddubna, L. I., & Horobynska, M. V. (2020). Evaluation of the international economic activity of the enterprise. Scientific Bulletin of the Uzhhorod National University. Series: International economic relations and the world economy. – 2020. – Issue 29. – pp. 129–133. Kvasha, S., Pavlenko, O., Vakulenko, V., & Moroz, M. (2024). FEATURES OF THE FORMATION OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS UNDER THE CONDITIONS OF THE STATE OF MARTIAL. Sustainable Economic Development, (2(49), 218-222. YURCHENKO, O. (2024). MANAGEMENT OF FOREIGN ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES OF UKRAINIAN ENTERPRISES UNDER CURRENT CONDITIONS: OPPORTUNITIES AND PERSPECTIVES. Herald of Kyiv Institute of Business and Technology, 50(1), 126-134.