Artistic interpretation of the content of Ukrainian folk songs in modern book design
Students Name: Bondarenko Oleksandra Pavlivna
Qualification Level: master (ESP)
Speciality: Design
Institute: Institute of Architecture and Design
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2019-2020 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: Bondarenko O. P., Melnik O. I. (supervisor), Kvasnytsia R. B. (supervisor). Artistic interpretation of the content of Ukrainian folk songs in modern book design. Master’s thesis. – Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, 2020 EXTENTED ABSTRACT Study object – the content of Ukrainian folk songs and its visual reproduction. Scope of research –artistic interpretation of the content of Ukrainian songs, as well as ways and means of designing a book illustration and forming a visual concept of the songbook. Goal of research: is to identify artistic and figurative means of interpreting the content of Ukrainian folk songs in modern book design. In the first section of the study, the state of scientific development of the topic, methodology and source base of the study were studied. The question was asked whether the folk song would continue to be played.The main preconditions for the renewal of this sphere of spiritual life have been studied. Against a broad historical background, the events of the formation of Ukrainian folk songs and the impact of this process on other spheres of public life are considered.Among these works are researches of scientists: Korchova Y., Pasichnyk V., where the state and development of ethnomusicology in Ukraine are studied, as well as ethnomusicological path in Europe, considered the emergence of new theoretical and methodological foundations in ethnomusicology [1].The paper presents many available examples of research on this topic. The relevance of the research topic led to the attention of experts to it.Thus, various motives of ethnic design are mentioned in the works: V. Butenko, A. Brovchenko, V. Zhludko, L. Kornytska, A. Kryzhanivsky, E. Murtazaeva, L. Orshansky, V. Tymenko, M. Chumachenko and others.As it turned out in the course of research of scientific works related to the development of song collections and their design, a very small number was found, among them several theoretical substantiations [2]. The article by I. Khlant [3] is analyzed. The paper uses theoretical and empirical research methods, in particular, analytical, complex, comparative-typological, figurative-stylistic, as well as methods of systematization, artistic-compositional analysis and modeling. The second section explores song as a genre of lyrics and vocal and musical work in contemporary art, the issues of content and its visual reproduction.It is noted that the genre of song refers to mass culture, closely related to the concept of mass society, which means a territorially large society with a large population [4].It is investigated that one of the components of mass culture is mass music.The paper determines that the spread of mass music is facilitated by its accessibility, ease of perception, direct connection with modern forms of leisure, genre specificity, achievements of modern mass media [5].Investigated the perception and influence of classical music on the consumer[6]. The third section explores the ways and means of graphical interpretation of the content of Ukrainian folk songs in illustrative form.It is revealed that in domestic and foreign literature there are numerous studies devoted to the study of the mechanisms of creativity, the influence of works of art on the individual, the prerequisites for the development of creative abilities, features of different arts.Great attention is paid to artistic discourse as a special form of communication, interaction between author and reader.It is determined that an important scientific and practical task of graphic design today is the analysis of decorative, formal and semantic and symbolic features of folk art in order to identify the principles by which they are formed and the features that can be correlated with modern works.It is noted that the use of ornaments and symbols of ancient Ukrainian art today reminds modern man of his roots, connection with ancestors, their worldview and so on. Attention is paid to the research of O. Svitlychna, who believes that it is the design, closely related to different spheres of life and the individual and the people in general, influences the formation of their mentality, so it has educational value [7, p. 207]. Artistic and figurative methods of visualization of space and time are investigated. It is noted that in creating the environment, you should take into account all the characteristics of the character, his image, details, compositional arrangement, color scheme, sketches, related to the impressions of the artist. As well as revised theoretical material [8]. The components of the creation of aesthetic reality are also revealed [9]. The types of compositions and forms of ornament have been studied [10]. The analysis of the layout of the song collection is carried out. The fourth section formulates all the stages of work on creating illustrations for the song "Oh, I’ll sing!". The technical task of the project is defined and formed. Conceptual solutions of the compositional and figurative structure of the book, technical parameters and the process of creating a plastic language and composition are presented. In the course of the work the popular color combinations in the illustrations of different artists, their application of the principles of composition, techniques used in creating illustrations were considered. The techniques used are described: watercolor drawings, a mixture of acrylic substrate and colored pencils, computer graphics. Project problems and project tasks are analyzed. High-quality illustrations on the use of computer graphics that meet the needs of consumers. Create attractive visual images and unique book design. Keywords: graphic design, Ukrainian folk song, Ukrainian symbols, Ukrainian folklore, songbook, music, decorative and applied arts. References 1. Pasichnyk V. P. 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