Research and improvement of the methodology for development of foreign economic activity of Rusinia LLC
Students Name: Ilnytska Kateryna Oleksandrivna
Qualification Level: master (ESP)
Speciality: Management
Institute: Institute of Economics and Management
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2019-2020 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: Ilnytska K. O. Research and improvement of the methodology for development of foreign economic activity of Rusinia LLC. In the master’s graduate work the purpose, the tasks and problems are formulated they are relevant and require detailed study and decision. Also, in the work the analysis and characteristic of the foreign economic and production-economic activity is described. Besides, the retrospective and prospective analysis of the given problem’s trends of the research part is carried out. In master’s graduate work the complex measures within two sub-measures is acquired according to the methodology of the foreign economic activity development. Key words: methodology, foreign economic activity development, export, optimization, European market, standardization, quality management system.