Copywriting in the Structure of Modern Marketing Communications (on the Example of the Service Sector)
Students Name: Zaitseva Zoriana Ihorivna
Qualification Level: master (ESP)
Speciality: International Information
Institute: Institute of Applied Mathematics and Fundamental Sciences
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2019-2020 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: This work is devoted to the analysis of the copywriting tool in the structure of modern marketing communications. Section I identifies the forms, tools and trends of marketing communications. The study found that the essence of marketing communications is to establish a strong relationship with customers. The main task of marketing communications is to convey basic information using appropriate tools to the right audience in order to evoke the desired consumer behavior for the brand. Section II analyzes the features of modern and traditional copywriting, approaches to the classification of definitions. Forms, principles, motives and basic structural elements of copywriting are described. The main types of modern copywriting and their role in the development of companies are outlined. Section III is devoted to the analysis of the impact of copywriting on marketing communications. The importance of copywriting in brand development and its impact on the popularity of the site and social networks was analyzed on the example of two companies. As a result, the main tools of copywriting and its positive and negative aspects within the operation of these companies were identified, as well as potential ways to improve the work of copywriting and optimize the activities of sites and social networks. The implementation of this work led to the following conclusions: through the use of optimized for the needs of a particular company copywriting - it is possible to achieve significant success in the field of marketing communications with consumers. Factors of copywriting on which the success of the brand depends are: coordinated work of the company and the copywriter, access to all information and full understanding of the brand philosophy by the copywriter, definition of clear tools, promotion methods and target audience. Keywords: marketing communications, copywriting, target audience, brand, social networks, modern market, text, site activity.